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On page three of this topic of which the link is placed above this, I posted my reply. Most of the comments are flabbergasting; the amount of ignorance is as painful as it is stupid. It made me decide to not ever post again on this forum - in no way do I wish to see my name related to a forum that promotes neo-nazi sympathies in whatever form they may appear.The question what moderators should allow or ban becomes actual whenever such a post is submitted. Whatever action they decide upon, reflects the way their minds work (or not). When writing this blog, the topic had drawn over 2300 views and incited 54 comments most of which in some way tried to justify the 'artist's' choice to airbrush a design containing the SS-logo and type on the bike's drive belt spelling: "white boy".The cynical part of this is that a high ranking nazi, who was escorted out of Germany by the organization that was later to become the CIA, said after WW-II: "The war never ended, it merely canged venues." To that may be added that it changed appearence, but never departed from its intention, nor did it abandon its principles that abhorred the world after some of it was revealed during the post war trials and survivors of the concentration camps started to share their experiences. It not common knowledge what the cause and aim of the establishing of the SS was, because treacherous media continuously refused to tell the truth about this matter. It is no surprise that the same forces that own the press were also involved with the creation of the SS, the organizational structure of which is copied by the CIA. If makes an effort of becoming familiar with the nazi principles and the forces that created it, the gruesome idea settles that it is a structure aimed against all of humanity. The fact that it favors few at this point and pursues many is merely part of its strategy that makes use of this mechanism simply because it requires less of an effort, because mankind will revert to cannibalistic behaviour when fed the proper (which has nothing to do with the liguistic nature of this word) information. The ones in the predator camp are just planned to become prey a little further down the line.On some airbrush forums apparently the posting of 'art' that has neo-nazi sympathy or reference is considered to part of the freedom of speech of the artist. One would hope moderators would consider what is written above and in the links contained within that, but clearly this is idle hope. The nazi plan that is merely a fragment of a much larger scheme, thrives on such ignorance.Have a nice day,RAge

A disturbingly consistent number of the most useless technical solutions that mankind's mind is capable of conjuring, is assembled in a utensil known as bicycle. It is quite obvious that a vehicle that only has two wheels, no engine and a neglectable number of electronic parts, should basically work properly without any trouble from the instant it leaves the production plant onto the day on which it is hit by a bus or burnt in a house that is destroyed by fire.How tragically distinguished reality is from this assumption that is based on sheer logic. The only conclusion to be drawn from this peculiarity of life is that the actual construction of bicycles is void of any form of logic. I will not go into detail at this point, since the emotional scarring that resulted from changing a rear tire is still too painful to allow elaboration. Changing a wheel on a 25 ton truck is less of a hassle than changing the tire of a bicycle. And the list of unnecessarily annoying bicycle repair jobs is endless. Mind you, several years of my working life I have spent as an aircraft mechanic, which makes me quite qualified to assess the drama of bicycle repair.Since 1885 repairing bicycles has given mankind headaches and other discomforts. It often has made me wonder what qualifications are required to become a bicycle designer. Does such a person need to have a positive IQ? Is personal experience with driving a bicycle a requirement? Should (s)he have experience of any sort in repairing such a vehicle? Is some knowledge of human anatomy necessary? Is basic engineering skill a condition to be allowed to design a bicycle? Although I'm not a spiteful person, I am inclined to answer all these questions negatively.But there is also an other side to this: Why in the world do consumers accept the imbecile construction of bicycles? Why do they not protest against the crappy material of which bicycle parts are made? The tire mafia has made huge profits by producing and selling tires that run flat all the time, while not even hesitating to call them 'Puncture Resistant'. Did anyone complain? No Sir, we prefer to just buy ten sets of tires per year and spend ten hours repairing or replacing them, without ever filing a complaint. We accept brakes that do not brake, get our hands dirty and ruin our clothes while remounting chains that continuously run off the cranks, we drive around in the dark at night because the lights or wiring broke, we simply buy new bells that stop ringing after using them three times. All mishaps that we insist on having repaired by the dealer at no cost if it concerns our cars, we obediently accept if they occur on our bicycles.There is probably as much wrong with us as with the bicycles.

Earth is almost dead. We abused it, tortured it and drained everything we could use from it without ever giving back anything else than waste. That's the point; we take and never give back what we took in a form equally beneficial as it is for our use to its source. We drain earth for resources, give back carbon dioxide and toxic waste. We take uranium and return radiation and nuclear waste. We grow vegetables, grains and fruit using poisonous fertilizers and return menure. We take money from fellow men, his dignity, his life and laugh about his inability to oppose us. We have created systems to take in a structured way without ever being punished for that crime. We do not even know how to compensate. We are the assassins of the planet we live on, the murderers of our own kind and all other life present here. But it is suicidal behaviour. It will not be some kind of revenge of earth when the disasters will break loose that will kill us all, earth has desperately been attempting to postpone its demise that will inevitably end mankind. We never noticed that, we were too busy taking. Too blind to see what we were causing.Fortunately we're too small, too insignificant to finish earth. We're so occupied with our trivial ocupations that we fail to see earth is part of the universe. A minute, almost neglectable part of it, but integrated into the cosmic structure nevertheless. If mankind is unable to find a way to balance life, to live in harmony with the planet it inhabits, the universe will do it for us. To us a nuclear bomb may be incredibly powerful. We may think scalar technology is the ultimate advancement of mankind's skill, since it dwarfs nuclear power. But on a universal level it's a joke. A bad one, but nothing the great spirits of the universe can't fix. In seven years from now earth will be fixed. Man will be fixed. The dreadful age of Capricorn will come to an end and the age of Aquarius will begin. We can take that for granted. Particularly since we are so good at taking.RAge