Out of ashen clouds in red skies they came
Soaring below the heavens they tore apart
Not intending to leave anything the same
Like things had always been from the start
Out of fire they came and fire they spread
Fire is their past and present and destiny
Fire behind, above, below and fire ahead
From fires of the void to fires of infinity
And the red hot fire burning deep inside
That will inflame this realm of false light
Assassins and cannibals, evil to the core
Watchers that kill to live and live to kill
Ghouls that already existed long before
Human life was under construction still
Cutthroat junks high on adrenalchrome
The pure and scarce nectar of the gods
In search of which the earth they roam
Unsatisfied until they've had their shots
For they need it to look like you and me
To obscure their alien diapsid indentity
Under a thousand lights rituals take place
That mock mankind's wit and imagination
Deviced to pervert the entire human race
And slaughter every man of every nation
They trap and abduct our precious souls
To burn alongside evil in the eternal fire
Intending to leave a vacuity with holes
When darkness' wicked reign will expire
Causing GOD's creation to be destroyed
After a definite return to the primal void
Evil's plot may be complex and obscure
Beyond mankind's ability to understand
The Light it will never mislead or allure
Evil is preparing its own inevitable end
That it knows it cannot possibly escape
The fear and pain it inflicts on mankind
And other victims of its abuse and rape
Will bounce back and leave evil behind
In the scorching fire from which it came
Leaving nothing but a meaningless name
The drones of the elite are hunting down,
aiming to erase all links containing information
on adrenalchrome, the true nectar of the Gods.
The link in the second verse leads to a website
that used to contain an excellent article on the
drug. I will continue to look for alternatives.
Operations in the Mother of Darkness Castle
have moved elsewhere to a place that for
the time being is still unknown.
A brief explanation of the drug can be
found at (while it lasts):
Author of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Hunter Thompson
says about it: removing the gland kills the donor;
it cannot be taken from a corpse. Guess what the horrid
consequences of this could be... Another interesting read
related to this you will find here (while it lasts):