The line in the title came from the lips of Allan Dulles, fired by JFK after the Bay of Pigs disaster and later member of the Warren Committee that ‘investigated’ the assassination of the president. As the cold war heated up after WW-II Mr. Dulles was suspected to be one of the architects of the 'Stay behind' armies that linked up with right-wing terrorists and carried out terror attacks that were later wrongly blamed on the political left in order to discredit the communists and prevent them from assuming top executive positions. There is barely veiled disdain contained in his words. It was his way of saying we can produce almost any kind of crap and the people will buy it. Which they did. Many of them didn’t of course, but they weren’t annoyed enough to do something about it. One guy who did was Jon Eric Phelps, author of the book “The Vatican Assassins” a large part of which is dedicated to the JFK execution. Phelps presents us with a far more credible investigation of the events related to the president’s killing than the Warren Committee did. But he fights Dulles’ observation, like many others do. They do a lot of reading for the benefit of the people, but the problem in doing so is that the distinction between their awareness and that of the masses that do not read, becomes so big that communication becomes difficult. The illiterate think the people who consumed and processed a lot of information are paranoid and the well informed are often annoyed by those who never watch or read anything else than the crap that is too obviously cast on their plates. Of course guys like Dulles prosper on situations like these. In fact they are the constructors and maintenance crew of this gap between the two groups.
There must be a good reason for this. The entire circus of the Warren Committee must have cost a fortune. As did Watergate. As could also have been the case for a committee assigned to investigate the events related to 911. It must also cost a shipload of money to control and maintain the festivals of mainstream media. It seems the way information control is conducted is intended to make people have a specific opinions about certain matters and be entirely left in the dark about other events, plans and thoughts. When having such an aim it is imperative that people develop certain reading patterns. Some information should be shoved down people’s throats and other kinds of information should be kept away from them, using force even when necessary. It is why both Oswald and Ruby were killed shortly after. Information expounding more into detail on the so-called "mystery deaths" you will find at: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/deaths.htm With regard to this publisher Jim Marrs stated: This section has been entitled "Convenient Deaths" because these deaths certainly would have been convenient for anyone not wishing the truth of the JFK assassination to become public. History is scattered with scandals, assassinations and disasters that also caused collateral damage in their aftermath. Most of those covert operations were intended to keep information from the people that would, enrage them and urge them to come into action.
As George HW Bush said, "If the people knew what we did, they'd take us out in the streets and lynch us." (http://pcapostate.blogspot.com/2006/08/pay-no-attention-to-soldier-saying.html)
But no worries mate, the people don’t read.
There must be a good reason for this. The entire circus of the Warren Committee must have cost a fortune. As did Watergate. As could also have been the case for a committee assigned to investigate the events related to 911. It must also cost a shipload of money to control and maintain the festivals of mainstream media. It seems the way information control is conducted is intended to make people have a specific opinions about certain matters and be entirely left in the dark about other events, plans and thoughts. When having such an aim it is imperative that people develop certain reading patterns. Some information should be shoved down people’s throats and other kinds of information should be kept away from them, using force even when necessary. It is why both Oswald and Ruby were killed shortly after. Information expounding more into detail on the so-called "mystery deaths" you will find at: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/deaths.htm With regard to this publisher Jim Marrs stated: This section has been entitled "Convenient Deaths" because these deaths certainly would have been convenient for anyone not wishing the truth of the JFK assassination to become public. History is scattered with scandals, assassinations and disasters that also caused collateral damage in their aftermath. Most of those covert operations were intended to keep information from the people that would, enrage them and urge them to come into action.
As George HW Bush said, "If the people knew what we did, they'd take us out in the streets and lynch us." (http://pcapostate.blogspot.com/2006/08/pay-no-attention-to-soldier-saying.html)
But no worries mate, the people don’t read.
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