Clicking here will link you to a video that presents some disturbing facts related to vaccination programs. It is a lengthy documentary, probably too long for most people to observe in its entirety, because they might be too busy watching a mindless movie, debilitating game show or involved in some other waste of time. The sad thing is that vaccines may affect their lives and that of their loved ones in a way far beyond their perception.
Anticipating on the most likely reaction to the suggestion in this blog entry, I think it is a shame really, because many of this world’s vaccination programs are closely tied to terrifying situations that have been properly researched and published in medical journals, but ‘ignored’ by the majority of the medical trade, not read or intentionally not mentioned because the medical and pharmaceutical trades are part of a multi billion industry that can not benefit from healthy populations, but make huge profits from diseases, disorders and infections, many of which nature has a way of preventing or curing.
But…, man now has acquired sufficient knowledge to (temporary) disrupt nature’s ways in the way he sees fit. Ways that allow few to make huge profits while causing many to suffer from illness that would not have occurred if vaccinations were avoided. Quite a remarkable fact concerning vaccinations: doctors are among the least vaccinated popular groups – yet they advice anyone else to take vaccines… An other matter that should be cause for consideration is that fact that in spite of claims of tremendous progress of the medical trade, this world has become more sick than ever before. Diseases seem to pop up like daisies in spring, but the nature of this metaphor is quite opposite to the consequence of the illnesses.
The image at the beginning of this article is a graph that shows the number of cases of whooping cough in the
Not just the common people, but also the so-called experts in the medical world are misled, because they’re too busy working or gathering energy to work even harder tomorrow. I would like to share a small excerpt from the movie, that is quite disturbing. It refers to a scene in which Greg Beattie, author of ‘Vaccination: A parent’s dilemma’ says:
"They don’t tell us little things like, when your child misses the whooping cough vaccine, it is less likely to develop asthma. They don’t tell us that children who miss the measles vaccine are less likely to develop inflammatory bowel diseases. And they don’t tell us that children who miss the Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b ) vaccine are less likely to develop diabetes. Or those who miss the rubella vaccine are less likely to develop arthritis. And they don’t tell us the big things even like vaccines cause brain damage, cause permanent paralysis, severe blood disorders, chronic nervous system disorders, death. These are very important things. And we should be told. They’re the results of proper scientific results and they’re all published in their own professional journals. We should be told."
Many will probably prefer to watch a mindless episode of the Oprah Winfrey show, some stupid football match or perhaps a brain dead sitcom. The next day taking their kids to the doctors to get a vaccine. If however they decide to watch this video – that remains interesting / amazing / horrifying from beginning to end – they might find out what risks they expose their children to when allowing them to be vaccinated.
Have a nice (and healthy) life. Or enjoy watching the Winfrey show.
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