Friday, July 02, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Little known experiments

Plant perception
The notion that plants are capable of feeling emotions was first recorded in 1848, when Dr. Gustav Theodor Fechner, a German professor, suggested the idea in his book Nanna. He believed that plants are capable of emotions, just like humans or animals, and that one could promote healthy growth by showering plants with talk, attention, and affection.
One of the first to research the concept was the Indian scientist Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose, who began to conduct experiments on plants in the year 1900. He found that every plant and every part of a plant appeared to have a sensitive nervous system and responded to shock by a spasm just as an animal muscle does. One visitor to his laboratory, the vegetarian playwright George Bernard Shaw, was intensely disturbed upon witnessing a demonstration in which a cabbage had violent convulsions as it boiled to death
Gariaev & Poponin's DNA research
A number of their amazing discoveries can be found at:
In one of their stunning experiments they transformed a frog embryo into that of a salamander by transferring the salamander's dna code to the frog dna simply by sending a laser beam of a particular frequency through them. The laser was modulated to the frequency of the human voice.
The purpose of presenting these experiments is to show that humans barely have a clue of matters that are related to the essence of life in a panoptic spectrum. We have an abundant knowledge, but none of it has proven to have the ability to create a decent life for all human beings, nor has it done any good for the nature that is our environment. Far too many people live in miserable conditions and mankind is wrecking nature with disturbing ignorance and determination.
Current knowledge is serving the needs of a small, elite group of people that does not care for their fellow men or the environment at all. Look around you and try to find evidence that what is claimed in this paragraph is untrue.
And when you are not conditioned to a level that makes it impossible for you to determine that human knowledge of today is destructive, leading to injustice and demise, you may consider questioning all those great would-be inventions that mainstream media is persistently pouring out over mankind and start looking for things that really matter that are intentionally kept out of the scope of the general public for reasons that cause the detrimental state this world is now in.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Gary Mckinnon

Oddly the Disclosure Project never once mentions McKinnon in its site, although it claims to disclose de-classified and classified information concerning extraterrestrial contacts and related covert operations by the governments and intelligence communities. Until they provide convincing evidence why they have not worked with Mckinnon, I will read their publications with skepticism.
Meanwhile express your support to McKinnon here and if you're a UK citizen, write your MP expressing you want McKinnon to be freed.
Gary faces a 60 year imprisonment charge in a US jail for breaking in to the Pentagon and NASA computers. He never damaged any of them (though he is falsely accused of causing 5,000 USD damage to each of them) and the British government does not seem prepared to protect its citizen, while no US citizen can be extradited to any country in the world. What Gary wanted to achieve is to have the free energy available to everyone that is now paying dearly for the energy provided by the corrupt oil barons of this world.
Now Nick Clegg, the spineless, twirling lackey of the corrupt US government seems to be going back on his words after previously having said: "I believe that it would be best for Gary McKinnon to be tried here. " We've known for a long time that politicians are just puppets on a stage, but Mr. Clegg has created a class of his own.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Then again...
The world has been supporting what seemed to be just causes - like Woman's Lib - that was presented to society as a movement to give women equal rights as men. A cause no one in his right mind could oppose. But Woman's Lib was funded by the Rockefellers, because they were unable to tax half the population and when women started working they got control over their children that they had to trust to day care, which put the child's education in the hands of people outside the families.
If the commissions resulting from the legislation proposed by Obama will go after neo-con controlled bankers and traders as well, we will know if Obama has made a decision on this matter that is in the interest of the American people.
Friday, May 21, 2010
A different kind of Wall Street crash
Has one of the world leaders finally seen the light? It is still not clear how effective the proposed legislation will be, but at least a change in policy has been made. Change, which has been Obama's credo during the election campaigns may occur at last. Although the largest chunk of his campaign funding was said to come from private donations, a considerable sum was donated by banks - Lehman Brothers ($ 318,647), Morgan Stanley ($ 259,876), JP Morgan Chase ($ 362,207), Citigroup ($ 358,054), Goldman Sachs ($ 571,330) and UBS AG ($ 364,806).
Obama's legislation change will probably not be beneficial to their operations, because it may expose them for what they are: clandestine deals. Obama earned himself a place in history by going after one of his campaign funders (Goldman Sachs). JFK earned himself a magical bullet for doing something of a similar order. Beside the banks there were influential personas (Soros, Brzezinski etc.) living way above middle class standards, who were contributing in various ways to Obama's journey to the White House. The change might be harmful to their business too.
Then there is the ongoing matter of Obama's nationality which will determine if his presidency is legal or not. The verdict may affect his decisions as a president if the court resolves he is not entitled to be in office. But before jumping to conclusions, I am curious to see what will result from his intention to reduce the banks' and Wall Street's power.
Budget cutting galore
If administrations extract money from society, corporations and organizations, including its own budget while the banks are ordering more bank notes to be printed, there is bound to be an excess amount of money that will have to go 'somewhere'. Ever wonder who is in charge of somewhere?
It is common knowledge that one can not do a lot when there is no money available. Budget cutting is crippling the victims of the edict. An often heard would-be argument is that the money will be put aside for when the crisis gets worse and boost recovery for when it will become a thing of the past. Well, the banks' crisis management does not seem to be devised to putting an end to the crisis any time soon and governments have already more than sufficiently proven that few useful things have been done in the past with the money they splayed from society.
So, what would be the true reason of the announced budget costs? Who will benefit from them? And what effect should it have to the way you cast your vote?
Logic in 2010
It looks like a special type of logic is applied in the upper echelons of corporate society. Or perhaps I should paraphrase the late, great Zappa here: Logic isn't dead! It just smells funny.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Event Horizon
And future not a time always moving too fast?
When will never ever last?
And fear be put to rest?
2012 Event Horizon - Part 1
2012 Event Horizon - Part 2
2012 Event Horizon - Part 3
2012 Event Horizon - Part 4
Monday, May 03, 2010
Think twice
It is disturbing to say the least, that commodity exchanges have so far disclaimed responsibility for the gold's purity they trade and have managed to get away with that. While gold plated tungsten bars continue to be found around the world they may be forced to change their policies nevertheless. The global nature of the fraud may indicate that a number of established players in the gold markets have been involved in this well planned operation for a significant period of time.
In April 2004 the House of Rothschild withdrew from the gold market. At the time no one had seen that move coming. But the contours of a global scam is becoming clear since fake gold bars have been discovered. The Rothschilds did not wish to see their name linked to illegal activities. They must have known about the fraud, because there is hardly a party to be found that is better informed concerning the gold trade than they are. They control the world's financial and gold markets.
There has always been a direct correlation between currency and gold, even after Nixon decided to unilaterally abandon the Bretton Woods system. The Federal Reserve Bank has been printing money that is not backed by any precious commodity, which basically deteriorates the value of money. The FRB's president Ben Shalom Bernanke's nickname is Helicopter Ben for a reason since he proposed to print currency and drop it from a helicopter over populated areas. It is mind boggling that so called experts tried to explain the reason of this absurd proposal.
In order to cover up the gold fraud it makes sense that more gold had to be present to back up the currency that has been printed, even if fake gold bars had to be produced to hide this illegal action. Since the banks' reports are available almost exclusively within their own ranks it is difficult to check whether gold at some point suddenly appeared out of thin air. The US congress that has been appointed by law to perform this task has never done this, probably because many members of congress are employed by banks.
If the banks keep fake gold in their vaults and the FRB continues to print worthless money while Congress does not make a serious effort of fulfilling their task of supervising currency emission, the financial market may be likely be facing problems that are difficult to resolve. So if you are considering to convert some of your capital in gold bullions, think twice. In any event, dollars will not keep your capital in good shape.
Interesting question is: where has the gold gone? I wondered about this in my previous blog entry. A relatively small measure of gold is required to gold plate tungsten bars, even if large quantities of fake gold bullions would be circulating. If the fraud would appear to have significant dimensions, it would leave enough gold which whereabouts is currently unaccounted for. To some gold is not just the precious metal that backs up currency, just as alchemists' main interest is not converting lead into gold. Where is the gold?
Friday, April 02, 2010
The banks, The FRB and the gold
The small group of men Wilson referred to, were in charge of the banks joined in the private enterprise that own the Federal Reserve Bank by way of stock that cannot be traded publically, a plan concocted during the secret Jekyll Island Conference in 1910. These banks are: Rothschild Bank of London ,Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Goldman, Sachs of New York, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Chase Manhattan Bank of New York.
One of those banks was hot news not too long ago: Lehman Brothers of New York. In spite of the bankruptcy, money does not vaporize, like I read in several articles; it is merely moved elsewhere (outside mainstream media's scope). The Federal Reserve Act states that the American congress authorizes the Federal Reserve Bank to print bank notes. The FRB literally makes money from nothing. That money is leased to the American government, after which the FRB demands interest over the loan. It is a blank check to plunder the American tax payer. The mechanism became of effect after Woodrow Wilson was adviced by his counsellor, 33 degree freemason 'Colonel' Edward M. House to sign the infamous Federeal Reserve Act. The law was chased through congress during the Christmas recess of 1912. The few members of congress that still attended its sessions, were pressured or bought to approve the act, allowing Wilson to sign it.
The American congress is appointed to examine the FRB's papers, but it has never done this since the law passed. John Fitzgerald Kennedy wanted to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest, but before he was able to carry out his plan, he was assassinated in Dallas Texas. In 1971 'Tricky Dicky' Richard Nixon unilaterally abandoned the Bretton Woods system, thereby ending the direct conversion of the US dollar to the gold standard. This was the beginning of the humongous American trade deficit caused by the devaluation of the US dollar. Foreign investors lost faith in the US economy which plunged it in a downward spiral from which it will never recover. The destruction of the US is a planned scheme. It is directly related to words expressed by Amschel Rothschild: 'Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws.'
On April 15 2004 the Rothschilds left the gold market. Recently strong rumors spread that central banks gold bullions were infact gold plated tungsten. It explains the Rothschild's move; they wish to avoid being associated with a global scandal and changed their strategy well in advance. It gives reason to suspicion that the current monetary crisis will NOT end any time soon. At least not before the banks abolish the Fractional Reserve Banking System.
If the bullions are fake, where has the gold gone? Who took it and for what purpose? Obviously money is being kicked out of the game, so what is the true assess of gold?
Perhaps there is a clue in freemason Rudyard Kipling's poem:
Then the Gods of the Market tumbled,
and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew,
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled
and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters,
and Two and Two make Four --
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings
limped up to explain it once more.
As it will be in the future,
it was at the birth of Man --
There are only four things certain
since Social Progress began: --
That the Dog returns to his Vomit
and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger
goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished,
and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing
and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us,
as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings
with terror and slaughter return!
And perhaps there isn't...
Perhaps Nostradamus' cryptic quatrains lift a tip of future's veil:
Quatrain 30 in the fourth book:
For eleven more times the Moon will not want the Sun
Both raised and lessened in degree
And put so low that one will sew little gold
that after famine and plague the secret will be revealed
Quatrain 28 in book eight:
The imitations of gold and silver will become inflated
which after the rape are thrown into the fire,
after discovering all is exhausted and dissipated by the dept
All scripts and bonds are wiped out
And perhaps they don't...
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Type Zero Civilization
At present earth' industries and households depend on fossile fuels to proceed. It allows humankind to use 1.74 x 1017 Watts or 174 Petawatts. It still is below harnassing all power available on this planet, which is the standard of a Type I civilization. It makes earth a Type 0 civilization although estimates are that we are able to use approximately 70 percent of all energy available, which would make earth a Type 0.7 civilization.
Type II civilizations are capable to use the energy of stars in the solar system it inhabits. Type III civilizations harnass all energy present in their galaxy. Type IV civilizations are capable of using all energy available in the universe.
What we currently see on earth is that a small group of people is in control of energy resources which they sell to the rest of the world. If an individual or group is no longer capable of affording the energy needed to proceed, it simply ceases to exist.
Since energy has to be bought, posession of funds is imperative to continue life. Roughly the same group of people that controls the earth' energy, is also in control of earth monetary systems. It is in these groups that the idea of a NWO (New World Order) is considered to be a logical way to run this planet.
The World Bank pegs the global GDP at $40.887 trillion, most of which is controlled by the so called 'elite', consisting of and closely related to the groups that control the energy resources, production and distribution and the monetary systems. Since they also control the mainstream media they are capable of making the rest of the world believe almost anything they wish it to believe. The media perpetually hammer a specific type of information into the (un)awareness of the general public.
If there is such level of control and means to influence public opinion, wouldn't it be logical to suspect that the world's current disorder and despair are part of an intentionally created situation that would allow the NWO to exercize its projected (almost) total control over the world population? Other groups neither possess the means nor the infrastructure to be capable of achieving such a situation.
Friday, March 12, 2010
BlogPress & TouchCam
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Sunday, March 07, 2010
In the attic

This started out as a test to speed up working pace, but turned out to become somewhat more pleasing as I initially thought it would. I took up airbrushing again after not touching the tool for almost two years. As a therapy after I encountered some health issues. It helps actually.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Friday, March 05, 2010

This is an update. The image isn't the best quality, but I am kind of fond of my iPhone, so I'll forgive it all its shortcomings and quirks.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Airbrush practice

Due to circumstances I haven't been able to airbrush for a year and a half. One tends to get kind of rusty in such a case. I did some portraits, but it simply took too much time. The mean problem is concentration; it takes too much energy to keep the airbrush' flow consistent. This can only be improved by practicing a lot. The picture below shows the result of my self training so far. The canvas size is about 50 cm wide by 30 cm tall. This is what I sprayed in approximately 4 hours, including breaks. In some time I should be able to finish a 50 x 75 cm portrait in two or 3 evenings. This is the target which will make airbrushing portraits commercially viable.
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A Global Conspiracy Of Idiots

The dictionary describes it as follows: An act in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose. There probably aren't a lot of people who haven't experienced situations that fit the description. Still most prefer to stay away from anything that even reeks of conspiracy. It is commonly considered not to be good sense to become associated with the term in any way; not as one actively involved in the act of conspiring, nor as one who labels a situation as a conspiracy. The word is some type of leper in society. Although notable men like Benjamin Disraeli, Winston Churchill and John Fitzgerald Kennedy have shared some clear quotes about the matter, little notion is taken of their words. They have been involved in conspiracies themselves, so it is obvious that they know what they spoke about. But society generally prefers to deny the existence of it nevertheless. In doing so it unwittingly participates in a conspiracy as well - a global conspiracy of idiots. No offense intended of course, but knowing something exists and insisting it does not exist (for whatever reason) isn't exactly intelligent conduct.
Here are some more quotes that might make you consider what is in this brief entry:
“The past record of man is burdened
with accounts of assassinations, secret
combines, palace plots and betrayals in
war. But in spite of this clear record,
an amazing number of people have
begun to scoff at the possibility of
conspiracy at work today. They dismiss
such an idea merely as a
Conspiratorial View.”
- Political Commentator G. Edward Griffin
“The individual is handicapped by
coming face to face with a conspiracy
so monstrous he cannot believe it
- FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
"Fifty men have run America and that's
a high figure."
- US Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy
“Behind the division of humanity stand
those Enlightened Ones whose right and
privilege it is to watch over human
evolution and to guide the destinies of men…
This they do through the implanting of
ideas in the minds of the world thinkers,
so that these ideas in due time receive
recognition and eventually become
controlling factors in human life.
They train the members of the
New Group of World Servers in the task
of changing these ideas into ideals.
These in turn become the desired
objectives of the thinkers and are
then taught to the powerful middle
class and worked up into world forms
of governments or religion, thus
forming the basis of the
New World Order.”
- Alice Bailey, Occultist, Fabian and Head of the Lucis Trust
“There is, it must be confessed, a psychological
difficulty about a single world government. The
chief source of social cohesion in the past, I
repeat, has been war: the passions that inspire a
feeling of unity are hate and fear. These depend
upon the existence of an enemy, actual or
potential. It seems to that a world government
could only be kept in being by force, not by the
spontaneous loyalty that now inspires a nation
at war.”
- Bertrand Russell, “The Impact of Science on Society”
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, March 01, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
iPhone entry

A nice accessory might be a pluggable cam facing the user that would allow the image to be controlled from the iPhone's screen.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone