Oddly the Disclosure Project never once mentions McKinnon in its site, although it claims to disclose de-classified and classified information concerning extraterrestrial contacts and related covert operations by the governments and intelligence communities. Until they provide convincing evidence why they have not worked with Mckinnon, I will read their publications with skepticism.
Meanwhile express your support to McKinnon here and if you're a UK citizen, write your MP expressing you want McKinnon to be freed.
Gary faces a 60 year imprisonment charge in a US jail for breaking in to the Pentagon and NASA computers. He never damaged any of them (though he is falsely accused of causing 5,000 USD damage to each of them) and the British government does not seem prepared to protect its citizen, while no US citizen can be extradited to any country in the world. What Gary wanted to achieve is to have the free energy available to everyone that is now paying dearly for the energy provided by the corrupt oil barons of this world.
Now Nick Clegg, the spineless, twirling lackey of the corrupt US government seems to be going back on his words after previously having said: "I believe that it would be best for Gary McKinnon to be tried here. " We've known for a long time that politicians are just puppets on a stage, but Mr. Clegg has created a class of his own.
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