Increasingly I feel the urge to stop talking to those who are incapable of understanding where this world is heading. There is no time for crap anymore and I am done wasting my breath and time. We have run out of time to waste our time on mindless theories, brain dead blabber and mundane trivia. Continue to be involved with crap and it will be too late. There are almost an infinite number of types of crap; there is the lowlife crap of the streets and the polished highbrow crap of people who prefer to label themselves intellectuals and anything in between the two. Those who understand may have a chance to survive the end times of this world. Those who don’t will become aware of the fact that they have made the wrong choice the instant before they die. I have no intention to be around them when that moment has come.
I will attempt to express what I consider to be crap and why I think it is crap. Religion is crap, science, education, jurisdiction, social and corporate structures are crap. All of those systems are based on constructions and mechanisms that make the systems work. If the parts and infrastructure of any system becomes dis-functional or is destroyed, the entire system will fail. This is what is going to happen not too long from now. Banks are moving around currencies that exist only on paper. Sources of energy is rapidly being drained. Sweet water is becoming scarce. Mankind’s systems of exploiting the food chain are fragile and vulnerable. The systems on which we rely are crap. It will require relatively limited events to make systems fail, to make structures crumble and to take away any cause and aim for mechanisms to be applied.
What else is crap? Do you think global warming is really caused by the output of carbon dioxyde? Do you think WW-III will never happen? Do you think our economies will never become so weak that they will be unable to drag themselves out of a recession? Do you think governments are driven by good intentions from which the people will benefit? Corrolary, are terrorists the individuals and organizations marked as such by our governments? Let me tell you, all of this is crap. Crap to make you use your brainpower to search for solutions of problems that have an entirely different cause and nature than mankind is made to believe. Crap to make you feel fear in order to allow governments to conjure laws that are applied more to their own citizens than to terrorists.
Global warming is caused by the erratic fluxes in the magnetism of the sun and it is merely a forerunner of events soon to come that will have a much greater effect on geophysical and climatic conditions on this planet. A brief and comprehensive overview of these are given in: http://www.zetatalk.com/index/c2cquick.htm below the images of the sun placed on that page. All world wars were planned. By Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini, the architects of the New World Order. WW-III has already begun. In affluent western societies many may not be aware of this, but that is caused by the filthy traitors of the press who remain silent because in mainstream media business it is company policy to focus on anything but the truth. Before money was introduced in the modern world, people traded goods. When the Rothschild dynasty introduced banking goods were paid with money. The precious asset that represented the value of money was gold. In 1971 Richard Nixon (Tricky Dicky) introduced the demonitisation of gold. There are now more
This is basically why I decided to discuss matters of the end times of this world and the events leading to that, with people who have the wits and intention to exchange useful information.
Have a nice day.
Rage, I find myself very much in sympathy with you though my anger is directed more at other targets. In these situations, it is hard to distinguish perpetrator from victim, is it not? -- for there is so much delusion rampant. It is therefore very understandable to blame the distributors of delusion. Today I feel filled with the poison of anger, and I think it hits me from the world I live in, just as a fish in a tank cannot remain unaffected by the pollution of the water which surrounds it. Bless you, Rage!
I mean anger at those who have made pious Muslims so frustrated that their young hothead offspring dream of action to right wrongs, however foolish the action might be. Anger at those who from greed have polluted not just the physical atmosphere but the moral atmosphere too.
I agree with you that anger is poison to the mind. It is a venom that brings us in the same frame of mind as those we despise for their treacherous and cruel acts. This is what they want and it is an idication of the shrewdness of those who commit crimes against life on this planet. Their strategy to control and destroy this world is hyper complex, involving the conjuring of life as we know it and the achievements of life in this realm. What really abhors me to the core is that the basic good that is present in most people is molded into evil, using means that were initially deviced to increase mankind's innate good properties and intentions. Perhaps I should be more patient, because I know evil's fate is sealed, inevitable and horrid beyond perception. It is just the sight of innocent blood flowing that makes it difficult to accept, to which is added the fact that the innocent next in line to become victim of evil's destructive program, know noting of it, do nothing against it and are even incited to believe that innocent blood is flowing justly. But like I wrote before, evil's strategy is hyper complex.
Hi Rage,
What is your strategy against the evil? WHere does it come from and how is it perpetuated?
Is the "filthy press" an evil doer or just innocents caught up in the machine?
Are the soldiers in Iraq the evil doers or are they just caught up in the machine?
Are the "terrorists" also evil doers? What would make them freedom fighters as opposed to evil doers?
If they fight then they are fighters.
Can you fight a fight with more fighting? How then do you stop it?
Is it possible to fight evil with evil?
You are correct.....
"I agree with you that anger is poison to the mind. It is a venom that brings us in the same frame of mind as those we despise for their treacherous and cruel acts."
What is your strategy?
Hi Nownzen, pleased to see you here too. There is only one strategy that works against evil, which is the exact opposite: good. The Zarathustrian principle - think good, speak good, do good - appeals to me, although I know not enough about this organization to feel comfortably close to the essence of their teachings (it is an aversion I have toward EVERY organization existing in this space and time). Although I have been a great admirer of Mahatma Ghandi for almost all my life, there were times when I was involved in processes of an entirely different nature. Still, in the back of my mind I sensed Ghandi's stance in life was close to perfect. He used his wit and compassion to fight injustice and violence, while I sought to fight evil with evil. This is quite an easy thing to do, once your mind is set to paths of darkness, solutions to outdo an opposing evil will always be presented. It is why administrations, corporations and organizations often uphold oppressive and intimidating policies - they fear evil as much as they apply it, in fact their entire existence is based on fear. But when I finally began to listen to my intuition, I found that it is much more difficult to do good in circumstances ruled by evil. Still, it has dawned on me that this is the only way to live life in truth.
Most journalists, like most soldiers are caught in the machineries of the elite powers of this earth that rule them. Where there is a measure of social control among the inhabitants of a group, there is much less of that in armies and corporations and in some tightly run organizations. Mind you, in Iraq 50% of the allied forces are mercenaries who fight for cash (Brittain's Victory Group and the US Aegis Defence Services and Blackwater mercenaries). If Iraq had been in a position to pay bigger bucks, many of them would have fought on the other side. But mercenaries merely belong to groups that are evil on a different level than the earth' elite; they are not 'regular' soldiers.
Can the fighting be stopped? Not unless a natural catastrophy of a magnitude dwarfing all else will occur, which is probably what will put an end to the fighting. In short, the strategy for good spirits who are prepared to fight evil, is to listen carefully to the whisper of their intuition, study information that is not under control by those who relentlessly set out to be in control and claim to be official parties and always look for the base of any theory and system. The measure and nature of the logic they contain are always determined by the nature and logic of their foundations. Today we have an increasing number of organizations containing seemingly impeccable logic, but the values they are based on are utterly rotten.
What you said above is very true.
Indeed people are strange and confusing things. Here we have a person called "rage" who writes blogs about what they hate and the end of times, but talks about the good triumphing over the evil.
It is so true about foundations and motivations. However I do have a different opinion of foundations, and the foundation of foundations. Well, seemingly different based upon a very brief read and reading between the lines.
Nobody can win the fight between good and evil for a very good reason. There is no fight between good and evil. The more you fight evil, the more you are dragged into it. Once you stop fighting it, you have automatically triumphed.
There is only good and a misunderstanding of good. Let me ask you....
Do you think George WW Bush lies awake at night plotting evil deeds to destroy humanity, or does he really and truly believe he is fighting for freedom and ridding the world of evil? He is fighting evil in his own way!
Do journlists plan the dumbification of the population, or do they believe they are giving people what they want to see? They are fighting evil!
Even the "evil" media baron that came from a land where I am, probably believes he controls the media so he can "train" people in the "right" way to see the world. He is also fighting evil in his own way, so that his "good" can triumph.
Once you believe in evil as a distinct and separate entity, you must fight it and maintain the rage that as you say "brings you in the same frame of mind as those we despise".
Evil acts exist, and dropping bombs on innocents is evil and what I say doesn't diminish that, but the motivation behind it can either be by evil that is a separate entity that must be stopped, or by a lack of understanding and lack of goodness.
One you must fight if you are a good person, the other you will still abhore, but will feel sorry for the person doing the evil but will not fight them, but instead encourage them to full understanding, and naturally forgive them "for they know not what they do".
Which do you think Ghandi did?
I admire your courage to speak out against what you see (and you do see clearly), and to enlighten people as to the alternatives.
I didn't make my point.
The foundation is either a solid foundation of evil that must be destroyed before it can be rebuilt, or it is a foundation that has crumbled due to a lack of knowledge of how to build a good foundation (plently of that around) or it has already started crumbling due to external pressures and not understanding how to enhance it (plenty of that around as well).
The evil foundation you must destroy first, before rebuilding, the second you just support and build and build and build.
Just something to think about.
Between now and six years from now an increasing pulse of changes will take place, many of which will defy the perception and imagination currently common to mankind in general. Movies like JFK, Fahrenheit 9/11 and the Matrix and books like The Da Vinci Code are trials to see how people react to views that are remarkably distinguished from general views and records of many different kinds. Tests to determine what is within the scope of general perception and what is beyond that.
When searching outside the concealed limits set by ‘official’ parties to areas containing information, like I have been doing over the past fifteen years with professional (data mining) tools that also are capable of exploring the databases of the deep web which is ‘underneath’ the surface web in which Google / Yahoo / Altavisa perform search actions, information that appears to be weird at first glance surfaces. The deep web is an estimated 1500 times larger than the surface web. Over the years images and overall images begin to emerge which tends to dramatically alter the perception one has concerning matters that are presented in different ways or not at all by mainstream media press. The phenomenon itself may be familiar to many - if certain pieces of information are found and believed to be true, they change the perspective on matters related to that information. The more extreme and seemingly outlandish data one finds, the further that person's views tend to deviate from the general perspective of those to whom the information is unavailable.
I am aware however of the fact that it is virtually impossible to discuss the discoveries found by search processes as described in the previous paragraph with others who have not gone through such length to find them. Hence the title of the article to which these comments are posted. Using a metaphor, realizing well the discrepancies with what is perceived to be reality will remain, perhaps the following is a somewhat useful example of the gap between the scope of understanding of aforementioned, separate groups: A hard core Harley Davidson rider can never make a fanatical fan of slick Japanese motorcycles understand what incited him to chose to ride a Harley and vice versa.
The essence of this blog post was exactly that: for those unable to understand what is referred to here, the progress of linear space and time will reveal answers to questions most were never able to conceive. If one is unable to phrase the question, the answers make no sense either.
One major issue I would like to address directly however is: There is indeed a war going on between good and evil. One that far exceeds the boundaries of the galaxy we exist in. The oppsite may be the general perception of this conviction, but what is in fact the case concerning these matters will be revealed between now and six years from now.
What if Ducati is your preference?
I do agree with the direction you say we are heading. Yes, we will be dragged down with them. Yes, nothing will be the same. To me that is so obvious I can't understand why everybody can't see it. The guy in that video you refer to says there are 3 reactions to a new truth 1. Don't believe it. 2. Fight it. 3. Accept it as fact.
What I don't understand is how you get the exact day for the "revelation". How is your day different to the countless other days for the "end times"? Yes, the Mayan calendar points to the time, but there have been errors located in the calendar that alter the end date (bring it closer I believe). The Mayans (and others) are direct evidence that what will happen, has happened so it is not unusual.
I see the war between good and evil.....
but I see it as a metaphorical war carried out in our perceptions. It is our perceptions that create the way the world appears (it WAS flat when we believed it was flat, it is now round that we believe it is round). Now to throw a tricycle into the mix - I don't see that we need to stop the evil, I see that we need to stop the WAR.
There are different methods of understanding, and I hope you don't mind replying.
What if we had the power to stop the Vatican and the Jesuits... the continuing Aryan regimes... the 'illuminated' cabals of masonic aristocracy... the entire military industrial complex (corpwatch.org)... the plagues of GM foods and vaccines and brain-retarding fluorides... the false ownership ("frequency allocation") of the electromagnetic spectrum that is LIGHT itself... the disease that is religion/politics in general?
Is it possible to spread enough waves around which incriminate these entities, so that the innocent public (albeit either ignorant or uneducated or unable) all of the sudden becomes aware and more powerful than the Brotherhood could ever imagine?
I think so. I'm doing what I can. It appears that you are too, at least somewhat with your writing. Write to news papers! To journals! Get on community radio! The idea is not to think we'll get a hold of everyone out there (Heaven knows most of 'em are inept or too poisoned)... it's to BAND TOGETHER for the BIG SHOW! Know what I mean?
Have faith in continuity, friend. Civilizations rise and fall. Subcultures remain for Aeons.
Light and Truth,
Brendan Bombaci
Actually we don't have the power to stop powers that be. The man-made systems have gone beyond the common man's reach to control since it requires mechanisms that they do not have - money, influence in the political arena, control over the media, military power etc. It would however be silly to assume that life as we know it on earth would be the only existing and possible form present in the entire universe, which is merely one out of countless.
Science has recently discovered that there is probably an amount of matter and energy present in this universe that is larger than what we are currently capable of observing. Mankind has just begun exploring its habitat and is still a long way from understanding universal principles. It makes more sense from a statistical point of view to assume that there actually are life forms 'out there' many of which are more advanced than ours. Carl Sagan was just one of the scientists not hindered by a lack of knowledge - who claimed that the universe must be teeming with life. It is merely a part of the control mechanism of powers that be to make their subjects believe that their power is all there is in the universe. The objective is to make it seem impossible to contact the boss of the boss in order to tell him that the boss is messing up badly.
So, I suspect mankind's behaviour has been a source of increasing worry for more advanced types of life for some time. There is quite a lot of assuming and suspecting in this write, but then again the entire oeuvre of the scientific and religious trades is based on assumption as well. In an attempt to somewhat distinguish the foundations of their thought processes from that of common humans they have called it theorems and doctrines. Today science is forced to adjust many of its principles by its own new findings, replacing old assumptions with new ones. Churches, unlike science not in a position to change doctrines without losing credibility, are losing authority (also a planned development of the powers that be).
So perhaps it is best to just sit and wait to see what happens while increasing awareness as good as possible, stretching it to its outer limits and beyond, since imagination is a far more powerful tool than we have been told for many centuries. A major part of the efforts of the power that ruled this world was to LIMIT mankind's imagination. Today the niche of quantum vacuum science observes that from nothing something can be created - literally - just because it is possible. A delusion? Not really; in August 2004 a team of Austrian scientists teleported a few photons over a distance of 600 metres across the Danube in Vienna.
Forget the old ways, the old patterns of thought and mechanisms that have been drilled into man's brains. They have brought us wars in which billions died in most horrible circumstances. They allowed one part of the world to die from obesity while the other part was dying of hunger. They have conjured medications that cure one disease and return ten other illnesses. They have polluted our waters an air and diminished our forests. It is time to (attempt to) unleash the 90 percent of our brain capacity that we have not been using, because the mechanisms of the powers that be did not want us to be able to use it.
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