The signs of the time were treacherously deviced to lead life to the sum of all fears, but as it does, fear is removed from my existence. The pattern of creation is slowly becoming clear, as is the pattern in the operations of the destructive forces. For those who do still have fear concerning the future of mankind, perhaps the following consideration is a fact that gives hope:
According to The book of Enoch the fallen angels (or Watchers) asked Enoch to pray to The Most High on their behalf, when they learned of HIS unspeakable wrath over their crimes against mankind and their own kind. They feared the infinite power of The Most High so intensely that they asked a man of flesh and blood, a creation from dirt and mud (whom they utterly despised for being fragile and mortal) to pray to The Most High, knowing that they were cut off from communication with HIM. They feared HIM and still do until this day, because they know the extent of HIS infinite power and they know they are powerless against it. The answer The Most High gave them through Enoch (the grandfather of Noah) was: "You should pray for mankind and not let mankind pray for you!"
The Watchers' desperate request to Enoch is a clear sign of the power hierachy in the heavens. We may suffer and die at the hands of the evil ones, but we will one time witness the annihilation of the fallen angels who dedicate their existence to evil. Their fate is sealed. They are destined to accept the furthest consequence of their wickedness. There simply is no way for them to vanquish the Light.
Corrolary: Beware of the choices you make in life. If you choose to join or collaborate with the hybrid spawn of the fallen angels, the wagers of war, the shakers and movers of this world's economy, the extremely rich and powerful, your fate will be like theirs.
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