Saturday, December 15, 2007
Why would an omniscient and omnipresent GOD allow evil?
Many centuries ago the power of a single thought caused the wall to crumble like dry sand, but relentless efforts have been made by obscure forces to erase the immaculate image of the Truth from the memory and awareness of mankind. The greatest abomination of human wit was reconstructing the wall in order to separate life from the Truth, thus plunging it in the raging seas of illusion.
The wall is inside your mind. You are less than the width of a hair away from the Truth, but you never knew you were that close to the Truth, because your mind was poisoned and mercilessly conditioned already from before you entered this world when you still lived in your mother’s womb. The venom of the dark forces has been fed to you ever since, day in, day out, night after night. The thin hair became a thick, impenetrable wall in your awareness.
Yet all you have to do in order to be able to see through the maze of lies induced into your perception, is to recollect the ancient thought, process it and add it to your awareness. It will give you the answer to the question at the start of this document. The shift of discernment will open the realm behind the wall, that will never be able to stop you again once you have walked right through it.
The spirit who introduced the thought to the world assumed the name Mani, which is rather a term of respect and a title than a personal name. His true name remains a subject of discussion. Mani is probably a derivation of the Babylonian-Aramaic Mânâ, that means light-spirit, mânâ rabba being the "Light King". Mani was born in 215 or 216 AD in Mardinu, Babylonia. His mother was of noble descent and was called Mes, Utâchîm, Marmarjam, and Karossa. Mani’s father, Fâtâk Bâbâk (Ratekios, or the "well preserved"), was a man of strong religious propensities, since he left Ecbatana to join the South Babylonian Puritans (Menakkede) or Mandaeans and educated his son in their tenets. Mani's father’s train of thought preceded and shaped that of his more famous son, in the first years of whose public life he had some share.
Mani’s religious dualism is considered to be the perfect synthesis of Zoroastrian Dualism, Babylonian folklore, Buddhist ethics, and superficial additions of Christian elements dualism (good vs evil). In essence he believed that the entire universe was the temporary result of the attack of the dark forces on the realm of Light. The big bang from which the universe is assumed to have emerged, does indeed resemble a modern day terrorist attack, multiplied in force an infinite number of times. It served to rip souls away from the Whole (the Original or First Creation), separate them - thus making them weak and vulnerable to corruption so that they would forget their origins and turn against The Light. This can only be done when souls are fragmented and trapped in separate bodies of matter and energy and detached from the oneness that gave them access to common awareness.
In this plane of matter where mankind exists, pain and fear are the major tools of the dark forces to gain control over the fragmented souls. The universe consists of separate realms where a different number of dimensions for each world determines the scope of awareness of the life it harbours. Since the era of the twenties of the previous century scientists have agreed upon the fact that there must be many more dimensions than the three proportions the human mind is capable of distinguishing and experiencing and linear time moving in one direction only (to one future out of many) is merely an incomplete reflection of the properties of time. In such an environment of strict limitation it becomes quite simple to induce ideas in the mind of humans that make sure that they remain clueless to the Truth. To make sure awareness stays on one side of the wall.
Mani’s faith, that was a prophesy resulting from a vision initially spread rapidly from the West (Africa, Spain, France, North Italy, the Balkans) for a thousand years, but it flourished mainly in the land of its birth, (Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Turkestan) and even further East in Northern India, Western China, and Tibet, where, 1000 A.D., the bulk of the population professed its tolerant tenets after which it died out at an uncertain date. It is quite certain that the Roman Catholic church played a major part in the eradication of the followers of Mani’s followers. The brutal massacre of the Catholic church of an estimated one million Cathars in the Languedoc, France (described and disapproved by Voltaire) on order of pope Innocent III (his name is quite a cynical 'coincidence' of course), is just one example out of many of the inquisitions and crusades the church organized against the heirs of Mani’s beliefs. Beside the Cathars, the Bogomils also adopted some of Mani’s views; it invoked the wrath of the Roman Catholic Church that was invariably followed by the sending of its death squads, among whom were the Knights Templar, a religious-military order that also played a major part in the crusades.
When investigating the emergence of the Roman Catholic Church, several striking peculiarities come to mind. The same man, emperor Constantine, who decreed that Christianity was the best choice to be the official religion of the Roman empire, shortly before had Christians thrown for the lions in the Colosseum for the amusement of the people. Before he was ‘converted’ to Christianity Constantine was a member of the Sol Invictus Cult (cult of the invincible sun), a secret, occult brotherhood that bore little resemblance with the beliefs of the Christian faith. Sol Invictus was inscribed in Roman coins of that time, even after Christianity had been declared Rome’s religion of state. The bible that he ordered to be compiled in the Nicean Councils, was created in a process entirely under his control. After some bishops failed to comply with his directions, Constantine simply ordered them to be exiled and excommunicated and replaced them with more obedient clerics who shaped the bible according to his orders. The sources that were included in the bible were rewritten, those Constantine did not find appropriate to be included, were burnt.
All these events were intended to mould or condition the human mind in order to be able to maintain control over the masses. By corrupting the perception of the followers of the church ten centuries after Mani died, his views became reality: this universe is merely an environment to lead souls away from their Source and Destiny, which is The Light. Those who did not follow the church laws were persecuted and murdered.
Two centuries later in Spain a man of crypto-Jewish descent, Ignacio de Loyola, founded the Jesuit order, also called the Army of Jesus, that is to this very day the most powerful fraction in the Roman Catholic church. The Jesuits put up many fronts to make the people believe they are a compassionate religious order that act from the essence of Christian belief, while outside of the public’s eye they operated as a concealed military order that infiltrated in governments and monetary institutions. At several points in time the Jesuits were thrown out of most of the major European countries because of their subversive conduct. But the kings and rulers who were not of royal descent who cast them out, were either killed or blackmailed into collaborating with the Jesuit order.
Roughly two centuries after the Jesuit order was established, in Germany a former Jesuit priest (who had voluntarily left the order in order to create yet an other front), Adam Weishaupt who was a professor in Canon Law at the university of Inglostadt, founded the Illuminati. It is a secret society that continued the work of the Jesuit order, releasing the order of the connection with societies that are involved with worldly affairs. Besides infiltrating and blackmailing government officials and corporate rulers, the society recruited the incredibly wealthy Rothschild family into its ranks. The Rothschild’s virtually unlimited funds allowed the Vatican Bank to control global currency flows through its maze of financial organizational constructions that include the IMF, the World Bank and Federal Reserve Bank.
The power hierarchy of the Jesuit order reflects the same pyramidal structure as the one that is applied in the society of the Illuminati. Hitler’s Waffen SS had a similar hierarchy and the structure of the American CIA was a copy of that, built by former SS-chief Reinhard Gehlen, who was ‘captured’ by the US army at the end of the war, along with the likes of Werner von Braun, designer of the V1 and V2 rockets that the Germans launched at London towards the end of the second world war. NATO and the UN were also spawned by the Illuminati and its associates, and in many respects resemble the original hierarchical power structure of the Jesuit order.
Basically, nothing is what it seems to be in this world. It complies exactly with the credo of the founder of the Jesuit order Ignacio de Loyola who said: ‘Black is white and white is black.’ The tools of the dark forces are present and active in every segment of this world, exercising their power inside and outside the limits of the laws they created themselves. It is the attack of the dark forces on the realm of The Light continued.
The ruler in charge of the dark’s operation earth is satan. This implies that satan is merely a soldier in the army of the dark, bearing in mind that earth is less than a spot in the vast universe. The powers that created this universe (that is the Second Creation), are far greater and more powerful than satan. By trapping souls in matter and energy, they can be separated (and thus made weak), incited to turn against each other and against The Light from whose Original Creation they were abducted. The masterful move of the dark powers was to attribute the creation of this universe to the real GOD, so that every entity that was capable of rational thought would not be able to figure out why GOD would allow evil to take place.
GOD does not allow such. Currently HE is involved in a universal battle with the forces of the dark. The very steak of this full blown war is the soul of man – part of GOD’s Original Creation shattered over this planet. But as becomes clear by the words Enoch wrote in his book (that the Roman Catholic church unsuccessfully attempted to wipe from the face of the earth), the dark fears the infinite power of The Light. Enoch made quite clear that satan’s fate is fixed; he will suffer the consequence of his doomed choice, as will the higher dark forces above him. Each soul that is aware of what is going on in this universe and is aware of what is behind the wall of lies built by the dark forces, has the option to choose. Mani and Enoch attempted to explain to all souls in this prison of the universe that the rule of the dark is temporary, transient in the perception of time of GOD. Deciding to join the dark may give temporary comfort, privilege and profit. But it will be a gift that is destined to end, after which each soul must accept the consequence of its choice.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Perceptions on terrorism
Wars, that were started or provoked by the governments of this world (by means of their secret services), have cost an estimated 250 million -300 million deaths in the previous century. It is the equivalent of the entire current population of the United States of America.
terror - terror = protest
In one year (2001), the world elites indulged in `conspicuous consumption' - partying and entertaining at taxpayers expense - and caused the death by starvation of 8,760,000 people around the world
[a fact unreported by CNN or BBC: the media entirely ruled and owned by the rich]
We say -
"If a child starves anywhere, no man deserves power or wealth anywhere!"
MI5's "M" - 05 September 2002
"A war on terrorism cannot be won, unless the causes of terrorism are eradicated - by making the world a place free of grievances"
- Dame Stella Rimington
Head of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
"To fight terrorism you have to fight the root causes of injustice - poverty, disease, joblessness. Nobody can live without hope"
- Dr Thoraya Obaid
President of the United States of America
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"
- John F. Kennedy
"When the rich do it, it is called war, ... when the victims use the same methods we call it "terrorism"
- Robin Morgan - 'Demon Lover: On the Sexuality of Terrorism'
The leader of Catholics in England and Wales
"They fail when they do not take seriously the obligation to ensure that wealth is not created for the few and at the expense of the many"
"the biggest challenge confronting the world is not terrorism but poverty"
- Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor - 'Report to UK Treasury'
"Terrorism is the desperate action of vengeance by the oppressed against the oppressor when the world has closed all the doors of justice and fairplay"
- Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, Zanzibar University, Tanzania
We know that Injustice is the cause of Terrorism
So what do our rulers do?
Increase the injustice!
Our 'rulers' are clearly not interested in justice or human rights.
They're obsessed by greed, the pervert abuse of privilege and power.
"terrorism" - is mostly faked or secretly set-up by governments, to justify repression / loss of civil rights - see UK (inc. N. Ireland); Italy, Russia & USA; India & Pakistan, China; see earlier terrorism of English & USA politicians
"terrorist" - how the rich (and their treacherous media) describe any self-defense by the poor
If all this does not make you at least wonder where the real terrorists are, then nothing else will.
Have a nice life.
Friday, November 23, 2007
The horrible truth about vaccines

Clicking here will link you to a video that presents some disturbing facts related to vaccination programs. It is a lengthy documentary, probably too long for most people to observe in its entirety, because they might be too busy watching a mindless movie, debilitating game show or involved in some other waste of time. The sad thing is that vaccines may affect their lives and that of their loved ones in a way far beyond their perception.
Anticipating on the most likely reaction to the suggestion in this blog entry, I think it is a shame really, because many of this world’s vaccination programs are closely tied to terrifying situations that have been properly researched and published in medical journals, but ‘ignored’ by the majority of the medical trade, not read or intentionally not mentioned because the medical and pharmaceutical trades are part of a multi billion industry that can not benefit from healthy populations, but make huge profits from diseases, disorders and infections, many of which nature has a way of preventing or curing.
But…, man now has acquired sufficient knowledge to (temporary) disrupt nature’s ways in the way he sees fit. Ways that allow few to make huge profits while causing many to suffer from illness that would not have occurred if vaccinations were avoided. Quite a remarkable fact concerning vaccinations: doctors are among the least vaccinated popular groups – yet they advice anyone else to take vaccines… An other matter that should be cause for consideration is that fact that in spite of claims of tremendous progress of the medical trade, this world has become more sick than ever before. Diseases seem to pop up like daisies in spring, but the nature of this metaphor is quite opposite to the consequence of the illnesses.
The image at the beginning of this article is a graph that shows the number of cases of whooping cough in the
Not just the common people, but also the so-called experts in the medical world are misled, because they’re too busy working or gathering energy to work even harder tomorrow. I would like to share a small excerpt from the movie, that is quite disturbing. It refers to a scene in which Greg Beattie, author of ‘Vaccination: A parent’s dilemma’ says:
"They don’t tell us little things like, when your child misses the whooping cough vaccine, it is less likely to develop asthma. They don’t tell us that children who miss the measles vaccine are less likely to develop inflammatory bowel diseases. And they don’t tell us that children who miss the Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b ) vaccine are less likely to develop diabetes. Or those who miss the rubella vaccine are less likely to develop arthritis. And they don’t tell us the big things even like vaccines cause brain damage, cause permanent paralysis, severe blood disorders, chronic nervous system disorders, death. These are very important things. And we should be told. They’re the results of proper scientific results and they’re all published in their own professional journals. We should be told."
Many will probably prefer to watch a mindless episode of the Oprah Winfrey show, some stupid football match or perhaps a brain dead sitcom. The next day taking their kids to the doctors to get a vaccine. If however they decide to watch this video – that remains interesting / amazing / horrifying from beginning to end – they might find out what risks they expose their children to when allowing them to be vaccinated.
Have a nice (and healthy) life. Or enjoy watching the Winfrey show.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Tune your brain!

Brain activity can be measured using an EEG or Electro Encephalo Graph. The device registers the frequency of the brain waves in specific regions of the brain. Certain frequency ranges are related to the state of mind in which the observed individual is in at the time of monitoring. These ranges are shown in the graph below:
Frequency range | Name | Usually associated with: |
> 40 Hz | Gamma waves | Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, fear, and consciousness |
13–40 Hz | Beta waves | Active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration |
7–13 Hz | Alpha waves | Relaxation (while awake) |
4–7 Hz | Theta waves | Dreams, deep meditation |
<> | Delta waves | Deep dreamless sleep |
As is the case with many things, the opposite of measuring is possible - we can actually apply a frequency to our brain to bring it in the desired state. This can be done by stimulating our visual sensors (the eyes) or by generating sound. Visual stimulation can be done with what is called a Dream Machine that is basically a stroboscope. Artist Brion Gysin and scientist Ian Sommerville created the dream machine after reading William Grey Walter's book, 'The Living Brain'. Generating waves in the Alpha frequency range however can cause Photo Sensitive Epilepsy (PSE). Since no one is excluded to being receptive to stroboscopic stimuli, it is much safer to stimulate the brain by using sound.
You will note that the frequencies above are outside of the scope that human ears are capable of detecting. This makes it impossible to use the required frequencies to stimulate the brain. In 1839 Mr. Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered that two sounds that are similar but slightly shifted in frequency will beat to produce two new frequencies which are the average and the difference of the original two sounds. When one generator produces a sound wave with a frequency of 400 Herz and an other produces a 410 Herz sound, the result will be a 405 Herz tone pulsating at 10 time per second, which is similar to the low frequencies occuring inside the human brain.
The brain is capable of producing a similar effect inside itself, provided that the difference between the induced frequencies is smaller than 30 Herz. Furthermore the tones can only produce a beat when they are below 1000 - 1500 Herz. What is actually achieved, is synchronization of the brain hemispheres. The phenomenon described on this page is known as Binaural Beats. The vast majority of people predominantly use their left brain hemisphere, while the right brain hemisphere is barely used. The functions of the left and right hemispheres are explained in the graph below:
Left brain functions | Right brain functions |
sequential | simultaneous |
analytical | holistic |
verbal | imagistic |
logical | intuitive |
linear algorithmic processing | holistical algorithmic processing |
mathematics: perception of counting / measurement | mathematics: perception of shapes / motions |
present and past | present and future |
language: grammar / words, pattern perception, literal | language: intonation / emphasis, prosody, pragmatic, contextual |
The above properties reflect the skills required by today's society and corporate environments. But as systems become more complex and less transparent, an increasing number of people become incapable of grasping the circumstances they live in. Let alone that they are capable of taking proper action to function properly or even survive. Dealing with stress for instance is becoming a problem too big for many to handle. Finding solutions for chemical and radiation related health threats is another. The list is growing each day. The quick fix solutions society - the most notable of which is an incredibly increased use of medication - provide side effects that are often worse than the disorder they were intended to cure.
It is not without reason that many begin to look for solutions that have less negative side effects. What is needed to stimulate the brain into a certain frequency range is a stereo headphone and software to generate the tones. Audacity is a freeware program that is capable of generating tones of a certain frequency or so called white noise for those who find continuous tones annoying. The program can be downloaded here. There is a small tutorial on YouTube that shows how to use Audacity (this is the link) in combination with a plug-in called NYQUIST that you can download here. More information on Binaural Beats you will find here.
Note: If you get an error message saying: 'Nyquist returned too many audio channels', this means you tried to generate stereo surf without having first opened a blank stereo track. In Audacity goto Project, then select New Stereo Track and then goto Generate and select Binaural Tones with surf 2... The error message will no longer pop up.
You may find it convenient to just download the file from this site and play it in Audacity. Get it by clicking here. Rightclick the link and select save target as... Download Them All plug-in is probably the easiest way to obtain it. Make sure the file has an .aup-extension in order to be able to play it in Audacity. in IE, in Firefox downloading it with
The effects of Binaural Beats have not (yet) been accepted in the realm of regular science. But it is most certainly not the first time science was 'late' in acknowledging discoveries. In addition to mentioning this lamentable tradition, my personal belief is that a certain trade is going to see its market share drop dramatically when the benefits of Binaural Beats become known on a larger scale. Its enthousiasm concerning the effects of Binaural Beats would be zero. Unfortunately it is one of the major funders of science, which could explain science' slow response.
Please bear in mind that you have probably not synchronized your brain hemispheres since the time that you were a very young child and that as a result, it may take a certain amount of time for this technique to become effective. Like with all meaningful things, give it time. Enjoy experimenting and spread the word.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Matters of Choice
It is inconceivable to me to imagine that an artist of undisputed reputation, who is has unsurpassed skills, while being blessed with an imagination far beyond the scope of anyone around him, entirely aware of what he is doing, would purposely create a work of art that is flooded with flaws and built in a way that does not exclude the of surviving the rage of time.
One such spirit would not be concerned with reputation, because he knows exactly why he is doing it, how to do it and what the effect of his work will be in the end. It is why he is not bothered by the critique of those who oppose him, since he is aware of the fact that they are incapable of fully understanding the intention, nature and extent of his art.
Still, many believe that ‘God’ created this universe with all its inadequacies and inequity. They think man is often tested, which is in my perception an assumption void of logic, because great artists do their testing before they start working on their final art. In my view such limited perception is an insult to the awareness and skill of the artist.
Like the Sumerian prophet Mani (300 BC) I believe that the Big Bang (which bears striking resemblance to attacks taking place today) was a terrorist attack on the First Creation of the realm of Light by the powers of the dark. It sounded the dawn of time and space, the forming of energy and matter that are the building blocks of the prison intended to trap our souls. In First Creation there were no separate souls, the attack scattered and fragmented them into separate, weakened entities that have conflicting interests. The harmony, wisdom and power of the Whole, the oneness of all souls that existed in First Creation, has been replaced by an array of dimensions in which polarity, paradox and conflict are inevitable. It is the perfect setting to corrupt souls and force them to turn away from The Light.
It was a brilliant move by the dark (note the contradictio in terminis – an other paradox) to attribute Second Creation for which it was responsible to The Light. By doing so it allowed itself to conjure evil outside of the view and scope of life without ever having to worry about taking the blame for it – the power that created this universe is after all responsible for all that occurs in it. Today man thinks he is being tested as a prelude to being rewarded. It is a promise that the dark never intends to fulfil. The churches that are spawned by ancient satanic cults, confirm this idea. The followers of the churches have no clue whatsoever about what goes on in the highest echelons of the religious orders. Like the original lie of the dark that suggests that The Light is responsible for the creation of this universe, what the high rulers of the churches do behind the scenes is equally treacherous and destructive.
It is no surprise that the church of Mani – Manichaeism – was hounded and exterminated by the emperors and church of Rome. Religions that later shared Mani’s views faced a similar fate. The Bogomils and Cathars were literally butchered from the face of the earth. An estimated half a million of the followers of the latter religion were slaughtered in the Languedoc in France on order of pope Innocent III (of all names!) in the eighteenth century. Voltaire commented on the massacre in an article that you will find here:
The universal lie takes many shapes. It is a shape shifter that exists in all dimensions. Most of the entities inside them are so conditioned by it that they are incapable of determining its true nature. An example: The five crusades were organized by the church (1x) and by European kings (4x). The official reason of the first and most important crusade was to liberate Jerusalem from the Seljuq Turkish control, so that the holy places in the city could be protected and pilgrimage to them allowed. The Seljuq rulers had taken control over Jerusalem in 1070, and they soon appeared as bad protector of Christian interests in the area. Holy places were des neglected, some churches were turned into non-religious buildings or mosques, and many pilgrims were not allowed into town, while others were stolen from, scorned at and sometimes even killed. The real reason was to find artefacts that were considered to be sacred, like the spear of destiny (with which the Roman soldier pierced Jesus’ side when he was nailed to the cross), the ark of the covenant and (stone and clay), the Holy Grail and tablets that contained ancient historic information that was invaluable to the cults disguised as churches. The skull and bones, allegedly belonging to of John the baptist were also excavated and later became the symbol of the founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignacio de Loyola and after that of a secret society to which the current president of the USA belongs. The Knights Templar is an order that was established to participate in the crusades to make certain the true intentions would be carried out successfully. Today they still exist as high a powerful organization associated to the church. The Knights Templar created the banking system, which is the foundation of the power of the church. Through the Vatican Bank, the Federal Reserve Bank and the IMF, Rome is in control of by far the most funds in the world that incorporates the capital of the 13 families of the Merovingian blood line: Mellon's, Carnegies, Rothschild's, Rockefellers, Dukes, Astor's, Dorrance's, Reynoldses, Stiliman's, Bakers, Pyne's, Cuilman's, Watson's, Tukes, Kleinwort's, DuPont's, Warburg's, Phippses, Graces, Guggenheims, Milner's, Drexel's, Winthrop's, Vanderbilt's, Whitney's, Harkenesses. Money is power, they are in possession of it and they factually control the world. It means the church is not an organization that takes care of your spiritual well being – it is an organization that moves the money in this world. Money with which wars are paid, with which corporations allowed to mislead (mainstream media) and exploit the people and with which preparations are financed to establish the New World Order. The NWO is the perfected setting to corrupt the souls of mankind.
According to Frank Drake’s equation, between a few thousands and one million planets in this universe could contain intelligent life. Although many arguments speak against it, earth is one of them. Even if Drake is mistaken by dozens or hundreds of times, intelligent life is merely a fraction of what exists in this universe that has trillions of galaxies. Yet being seemingly insignificant in numbers, this type of life apparently is of interest to the dark powers. Souls that are the vehicles of awareness probably are the reason for this. Inside us the battles between good and evil take place – we are the battleground. Each decision we make, contributes to the outcome of the war. Since choosing seems to be an utterly small array of events on a universal scale, unintelligent life may be tempted to believe that it does not matter what choices we make. But in the Book of Enoch (that the church has attempted to wipe from the face of the earth – unsuccessfully) the hierarchical power structures in the universe are revealed. The dark fears The Light. And The Light wanted us to know through Enoch’s writings that the choices we make do matter and that every choice will have a consequence.
Life is not a test. Souls must find ways to survive it by choosing carefully and intelligently, by listening to the whisper of intuition (which is the voice of The Light), bearing in mind that this universe is temporary, like everything else in a realm of space and time.
Friday, July 06, 2007
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
This is the first verse of a song written by John Lennon. Lennon lived in the Dakota Building, in front of which he was shot. This was the same building where the movie "Rosemary's Baby" was filmed. The name of the director of the film was Roman Polanski whose wife Sharon Tate was murdered by the Manson family who claimed to receive orders to commit the savage crime from the Beatles' "White Album", from a song called "Helter Skelter" in particular. Tate was pregnant when she was butchered in a house rented by Polanski (at Cielo Drive 10050 – Cielo means heaven in Spanish and the numerical value of the house number is 6). The part of Rosemary was played by Mia Farrow whose sister Prudence inspired the Beatles to write the song "Dear Prudence". The name of Rosemary's neighbor – leader of a satanic cult - was Roman Castavet (anagram of: satan cavort me – satan play me boisterously), carrying the same first name as the director of the movie. Farrow's latest appearance in a movie, a remake of "The Omen" was in the role of Mrs. Baylock, Damien's satanic nanny. The Omen includes "The Abbey Road recording sessions featurette"; Abbey Road was where the Beatles' recording studio was located.
Imagine the literal meaning of Lennon's words. Imagine the alleged metaphor was never intended by Lennon. Above us only sky..., no heaven where God fearing Christians hope to be spending eternity after they have departed from this life. No hell below us..., hell may be where we live. To many who do not live in the affluent parts of the world this life is hell. To the millions of refugees who desperately fly the insane violence that has become part of their lives, to the victims of the blackmailed and drugged child soldiers, to the child soldiers themselves. To the sufferers of AIDS, to their children who are already infected before they are born. The list is almost endless. To people living in such agony life is hell. They experience: There is no hell below us – it is right here, right now. The song goes on:
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
Imagine there's no countries..., the aim of the New World Government: A global nation, divided into eleven provinces. Nothing to kill or die for..., there will be no need for war when the entire world is suppressed by one all encompassing power. And no religion too..., there never has been one. Most of the organized religions never were in essence what they seemed to be. In their very core, visible and known to few only, they were veiled (occult) structures, devised to incite people to worship a god about whose true nature they had no clue. The few religions that actually were intended to worship the real GOD, became eradicated at some point in time. The ruler of the world to be, will not allow any religion to exist. John Lennon said in an interview: 'Christianity will go, it will shrink and vanish. I needn't argue about that and will be proved right. You just wait..., we are more powerful now than Jesus ever was.' (San Francisco Chronicle, April 13, 1966, p.26)
Imagine all the people living life in peace..., be assured that your current perception of peace will have little resemblance with the peace as it is envisioned by the NWO, its followers and makers.A great example and spiritual leader of the Beatles was Aleister Crowley to whom the album "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band" was dedicated. Crowley features on the album's cover photograph. It was released exactly 20 years after his death in 1947 and the album's title song starts with the line: 'It was 20 years ago today...' Crowley was a mage, an satanic conjurer who was known to practice ritual child sacrifice, admitting to that fact openly and boasting about it. Lennon said that the Beatles lived according to Crowley's principle: The whole idea of the Beatles was Aleister Crowley's idea, which is: "Do what thou wilt (shall be the whole of the law)" Their press officer, Derek Taylor said: 'They're COMPLETELY ANTI-CHRIST. I mean, I am anti-Christ as well, but they're so anti-Christ they shock me which isn't an easy thing to do.' (Saturday Evening Post, Aug. 8, 1964)
There is a difference between those who lead and those who follow. Lennon lead his fans, but followed Crowley. Crowley was lead by Leila Waddell, one of his priestesses whom he named Sister Cybele; he was intrigued and mesmerized by his mistress who said about herself: 'It's nice to be a devil when you're one like me.' Waddell also inspired Eric Clapton to write his famous hit called "Leila". One evil spirit leads another – it has been the repeating nature of history. Ignacio de Loyola influenced through their education in Jesuit schools the infamous statesmen / mass murderers of the previous century who massacred between 100 and 200 million people: Hitler, Stalin and Mao. The latter is responsible for the large margin in the estimate; it has never been quite agreed upon just how many he murdered. But Loyola – the founder of the Army of Jesus (the Jesuit Order) - was also lead by spirits darker than he was. The Jesuit general, is also called the black pope, the one who gives orders to the white pope, the official leader of the Roman Catholic church.
De Loyola's parents were 'Marranos' or 'Alumbrados' from which the 'Illuminati' later emerged under Adam Weishaupt (who was also a Jesuit), founded in 1492 by Spanish Jews, also called Crypto Jews. To conceal his Crypto Jew origin and activities, Loyola became very active as a Roman Catholic. He moved to Rome in 1539 where he founded the Jesuit Order – the Army of Jesus, given a military structure under the control of the Jesuit General (Black Pope). Today the Order is in control of the Vatican Bank that through its intricate, maze-like network controls the Federal Reserve Bank, the World Bank and the IMF. Weishaupt was sponsored by a cabalistic Jew named Meyer Amschel, who received rabbinical training and later took the name Rothschild. Weishaupt belonged to a Jewish family that later converted to Catholicism. This faith is the connection of Weishaupt with De Loyola. Weishaupt and Rothschild worked together with Jakob Frank (member of the Polish Leibowicz family) who was the influential leader of the Cabala in that time. These three men in Germany and De Loyola in Rome built the modern structure of evil.
The financial world was conquered using the Rothschild capital and influence, the political world was conquered through the Illuminati and religious power was seized through Jesuit Order that is the driving force behind Catholicism. The Cabala is the link of the Illuminati to dark powers of ancient times. In Cabalistic tradition 'Masters of the Name' or 'Ba-al Shems' were magicians performing miracles through the name of God, also called Jehovah or Tetragrammaton. It is in these spheres the direction is contained that provided the argument and means for the four men to establish the structure of evil that was intended to determine the nature of modern times from behind the scenes. These concealed directors are the Priory of Sion, that conjured the Protocols of The Elders of Zion, a document containing leads to gain world dominance. It is the very same objective that is gradually revealed today by the powers that be, the architects of the New World Order.
The terms Jew and Jewish are often misunderstood, even in Israel. After the rule of king Solomon ended, Israel became divided in two separate groups of tribes. The northern tribes Reuben, Simeon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Ephraim and Manasseh (the latter two being a sub-division of the tribe of Joseph) continued Solomon's abominable idolatry. The king ordered his citizens to sacrifice newborns alive in fire in honor of the god Moloch in Topheth in the Valley of Hinnom in Jerusalem (Jeremiah 7: 31). The ritual was called 'passing through fire.' It was an abomination that abhorred GOD, urging HIM to order that the valley be called: "The Valley of Slaughter" - for they shall bury in Topheth, till there be no place to bury. Solomon's name consists of three words – Sol Om On, all meaning sun: Sol is Latin for sun, Om is sun in Hindi and On is Egyptian for the same word. He was a worshipper of the false light, like many animalistic religions of the ancient past, many of which practiced ritual human sacrifice.
The southern tribes Judah, from which the word Jew originates, and Benjamin formed the other group. The Levites were divided among the northern and southern groups of tribes. All Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews. In a message to the Church at Smyrna, Jesus referred to a “synagogue of satan” as “them which say they are Jews, and are not.” (Rev. 2: 9-10). The claim of being Jewish by the rulers and followers of the synagogue of satan is false because it does not comply with God's definition a Jew (Romans 2: 29). The synagogue of satan despises, not only Jesus Christ, His Church and the Gentile masses (non-Jews), but also the Jewish “Remnant”, the Torah-obeying and anti-Zionist who await the kingdom of Israel to be restored when the Messiah (re-)appears, and not before. The synagogue of satan conspires to eliminate all people, whether Jew or Gentile, who stand in the way of their world kingdom. To this end they have developed a staggering number of fronts, as well as the capacity to create blinds and diversions, to obscure the fact that they are Cabalist Jews with an anti-Christ agenda. Through the centuries, the synagogue of satan has, by means of false identities, infiltrated Gentile institutions where they act as agents provocateurs - undercover agents who provoke violence and cause scandals, used to scold Jesus Christ and His followers.
It is most difficult to find the true roots of the Cabala, because it was never intended to be shared with the common people of the world. Anyone familiar with the Protocols of The Elders of Zion understands why. It is a document which merciless and cruel method and aim were never paralleled by any other document conceived by the human mind. The secret nature of such organizations makes conspiracy theory conducted by misinformed, paranoid spirits of any sincere attempt to find the truth. These organizations have conditioned the people, kept it separated from the truth, misinformed and belied the world, in order enable themselves to continue to carry out their hidden plans. The scheme is to maintain control over virtually every system, structure and method of communication. The full control over the traitors of the press in mainstream media, telecommunication systems and religious and spiritual organizations, ensures that the common man will not only not find the truth, but it will also contribute to making research difficult for those who look for it. They have the desire, power and the means to control the world entirely. Individuals who, in spite of all security measures to prevent publication of the truth, manage to spread parts of it anyway, are discredited, locked away or murdered.
A hint to the origin of the Cabala was given in The Book of Enoch, the son of Jared, who tells and warns the world about the fallen angels or watchers. The common perception of angels deliberately spread by 'official' religious organizations has little to do with the truth (which has become a persistent tradition in the teachings and communication of the churches). Enoch referred to the fallen angels as the sons of God. They bred with the daughters of man, thus spawning the nephilim, the giants described in the bible, the most well known of whom is Goliath. Researchers like Von Daeniken, Alford and Sitchin have attempted to show that mankind has evolved to what it is today by involvement of alien races in possession of intelligence that dwarves the wit of man. Of course the real rulers of this world have obstructed their investigations and tried to make their publications look flawed by counter argument of science (also paid and controlled by them) and ridiculous by intentional over- and underexposure by the traitors of the media. Von Daeniken's, Alford's and Sitchin's works could nevertheless be (part of) the frame work explaining the 'missing link' in human evolution that official science has never been able to explain.
The reason for obscuring this scholarly flaw becomes obvious when reading what is written in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It is a perception from a different perspective of the times of tribulation predicted by Enoch and mentioned in the bible. It will be the brutal rule of few over many that will be established, using every means conceivable and anything beyond that. However accurate and logically complying with the wicked side of human nature, it can never be an aim that has a cause that makes sense. Of course the desire for power is the greatest temptation of man. But man did not conjure this world, he merely emerged on it. It would show quite a lack of intelligence to assume that the development of universal life of which humankind is only a fragmented part, can be assessed by its most insignificant parts. There has to be more.
Several facts that may give cause to question the 'intentional incompleteness' of the knowledge explained by official science, that persists in claiming that modern man is not older than 200,000 years:
- A 290 - 355 million year old footprint found in Antelope Springs Utah (The Meister Track)
- 3.75 million year old footprint found in Laetoli, Tanzania
- According to clay tablets found in Bad-Tibira, long ago called Sumer, king Enmenluanna ruled for a period of 43,200 years! The Sumerian calendar was more accurate then the Gregorian calendar that is predominantly used today
- The still highly radio-active (50 x normal level) charred ruins near the Rajamahal mountains suggest a nuclear war was waged along the Ganges river in India that is described in the Mahabharata texts from 2450 BC
- Hundreds of perfectly round, parallel grooved, metal balls were excavated in West Transvaal, SA in a Precambrian earth layer (that dates 2.8 million years back on the evolution scale)
These are merely some random examples that indicate that long before modern man's so-called cradle of civilization highly developed societies have been present on this planet. The question arises why religion, science and politics so determinedly collaborate in limiting the scope of mankind's awareness concerning his origins.Since this seems to be part of a secret that the concealed ruling elite is prepared to keep by means of killing if necessary, there are not many who are capable and willing to investigate these matters. But circumstantial evidence is available for those prepared to dig deeper than most. First there is the freemason symbol of the compass and hook between which is included the letter 'G'. Many believe it refers to God. In the high degrees of freemasonry, that strictly extends knowledge on a need to know basis, it is known that it refers to an abbreviation: G.A.O.T.U. which means Great Architect Of The Universe. In the perception of many this does not necessarily conflict with the vision of the majority of mankind that the G refers to God. But the freemason organization are among the many fronts constructed by the Illuminati order that controls both ends of every spectrum on earth and many of their statements are as treacherous as those of official religious, scientific and corporate organizations.
However, in the once almost worldwide spread Manichaean religion, it is believed that the entire universe merely is the temporary result of an attack of the dark on the realm of The Light. The big bang resembles a modern-day terrorist attack of incredibly huge dimensions and fierce intensity. It was the instant of birth of all dimensions and the dawn of time, the creation of matter and energy, all of which did not exist before the big bang. The reason for carrying out this attack was to create an environment of matter and energy and spacetime inside which souls be could corrupted. All souls are parts ripped away from the whole, divided into weak and separate fragments that are vulnerable to pain and fear while trapped inside the structures of this universe. The perfect condition to alienate souls from their Source and Destiny, which is The Light. This universe is the second creation – the conjuring of the Great Architect Of The Universe: satan.
Satan attributed the second creation to the real GOD, knowing well that all agony, grief and desperation will, as a result, be blamed on GOD, leaving every being puzzled because it is not able to relate the goodness of GOD with all the horrors taking place in the universe. And all the time from behind the scenes it is satan who causes the violence and abuse, the profusion of hate and absence of Love in the existence of all beings imprisoned in this universe. Inside human minds and hearts the battle between good and evil rages – each decision an individual makes contributes to the progress of the battle.
Imagine that those who continue to believe in the Most High can and will return to the real GOD's immaculate first creation. In order to be able to make the right decisions they have to know the true nature of people and groups of people, their aim and method and that of the god worshipped by them. The Most High and HIS Army of Light is present in this universal conjuring of the dark, fighting to save the souls who continued to believe in HIS power that will vanquish all the occult illusions of the dark, as was predicted by Enoch who received messages directly from the real GOD in order to help HIS elect to remain true throughout the times of tribulation.
Sunday, May 27, 2007

I vividly recall seeing a long and fierce battle in the Amazon river between a jaguar and a large electric eel. Once the jag spotted the eel he was determined to catch it. The eel discharged vicious currents often, forcing the jag to jump out of the water to recuperate. He sat on a the trunk of a fallen tree that hung over the river, shuddering from the electrical blasts after jumping out of the murky waters, but the big cat was relentless and soon after continued his attacks until the eel was so weakened that it was no longer able to defend itself. It depicts the nature of the predator quite well.

In the mysterious subterranean chambers of Chavín, the priest-oracle of the Jaguar-God - Lord of the night, of vision and of the dead - gave his responses, possibly inebriated by the juice of the sacred San Pedro cactus emerging from the depths of the earth. At the meeting point of four chambers in the network of tunnels that run below the surface of the pyramidal complex, is the Holy of Holies of Chavín, the El Lanzón monolith bearing the terrible image of the Jaguar-God, with feline head and anthropomorphic body. The Lanzón - which literally means Lance, is a five-meters monolith of white granite, resembling a huge sacrificial knife sunken into the viscera of the earth, with its handle emerging from the temple floor. Like an Axis-Mundi, a cosmic axis that unites - in the words of anthropologist Mario Polia - the dark world of the dead to the region of the living.
The Moche were amid the most enigmatic among the ancient pre-Inca people that occupied the Northern Coast of Peru, and - along with the Chimú - they were most influenced by the shamanic culture of their predecessors, the Chavín people, who established around 1300 B.C. a shrine-Temple and oracle at the site of Chavin de Huántar, centred on the cult of a Jaguar-God.
My fascination of the jaguar continues.
The rustle of shrubs that caress my fur
Blends with strewn rumor filling the air
The warning of my arrival I thus defer
Surprising anyone, anytime, anywhere
Scattered rays of sunlight that pierce
Through many levels of countless leafs
Dance on the patterns that appears
In gold and black pentagon weaves
Images of a marauder born to kill
It is me, meant to make life still
I pilfer through foliage and mud
While my sensors search and lock
Ignoring razor like thorns that cut
Through the frail flanks of a buck
That is desperately trying to run
As all his hopes slowly fade away
I know the hunt will soon be done
And this unforgiving, deadly foray
Will give me fresh flesh and blood
For escape me, he surely can not
A 1000 pair of eyes opened wide
Caught by what is about to occur
Watching the deer, unable to hide
Afraid like never before they were
Faster and faster we dash through
The dense structures of the wood
That will be colored in cherry hue
After the buck has been subdued
I know for sure I'm almost there
While I taste the deer's despair
The scent of fear fills my nostrils
I know I'm very close to him now
I can touch the cold in his chills
Lick the fret oozing off his brow
I hear splashing a few feet ahead
And the cries of one who knows
That he will before long be dead
Paralyzed by the fear that grows
Beyond his frail flesh and bones
Holding on to life he barely owns
I squat before leaping for the kill
A deadly silence surges the forest
Life seems to hold its breath until
It will admit that life does not last
And while I soar through mid air
Yoking my sharp fangs and claws
I can not see the buck anywhere
I break my brain what did cause
This delicious little young deer
To suddenly furtively disappear
Ambling away, indifference I mime
I tell myself: Better luck next time
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The American people don't read

There must be a good reason for this. The entire circus of the Warren Committee must have cost a fortune. As did Watergate. As could also have been the case for a committee assigned to investigate the events related to 911. It must also cost a shipload of money to control and maintain the festivals of mainstream media. It seems the way information control is conducted is intended to make people have a specific opinions about certain matters and be entirely left in the dark about other events, plans and thoughts. When having such an aim it is imperative that people develop certain reading patterns. Some information should be shoved down people’s throats and other kinds of information should be kept away from them, using force even when necessary. It is why both Oswald and Ruby were killed shortly after. Information expounding more into detail on the so-called "mystery deaths" you will find at: With regard to this publisher Jim Marrs stated: This section has been entitled "Convenient Deaths" because these deaths certainly would have been convenient for anyone not wishing the truth of the JFK assassination to become public. History is scattered with scandals, assassinations and disasters that also caused collateral damage in their aftermath. Most of those covert operations were intended to keep information from the people that would, enrage them and urge them to come into action.
As George HW Bush said, "If the people knew what we did, they'd take us out in the streets and lynch us." (
But no worries mate, the people don’t read.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Then there were three

Silently hovering at one mile across the skies
Then dozens joined them arresting our stare
While we watched them fly without disguise
Later the sight of heaven was obstructed by
Innumerable vessels that came down to spry
They swarmed space but still more appeared
The amount of crafts increased beyond count
Dwarfing anything in life that we had feared
We searched for reason but none was found
We were always told such crafts didn't exist
But like the craft Truth made a sudden twist
In an eye's flutter the ships had gone again
As if they had never visited this place at all
We knew we would not be able to tell man
For invariant disinformation will stand tall
Until they return to do what they came for
While our rulers remain as silent as before
Bleep, bleep
Space is deep
And so are the cabinets
Where dirty little secrets
Are hidden from us all
Because offices stall
And visciously keep from us
Forces that may overcome us