Today things are made simple. Everything in aflluent western societies is structured, regulated. The need to think independently isn't there anymore - all is searchable, explained, presented, available. Beside newspapers, magazines, radio and television, we now have cell phones, navigation systems and pda's to receive information. In fact we suffer from information overload. Information is accessible everywhere, anytime. We know more than we need to know, our memories are so flooded with information that it becomes difficult to retrieve the data proper for a certain place and time to fetch.
There are two main issues in the paragraph above:
- We forgot how to process information we obtained by using our own capacity to reason
- We are bombarded with so much information that it paralyzes us
The predictable result of this situation is that people become tired of it all; in a deluge of information by far the easiest thing to do, is to just get your information where everyone else gets it from. Since mainstream media are the dominant source of information in today's world, this is where people get it from. The fact that we may miss a thing or two that may be important to us, is taken for granted, because it is less straining to be lazy and ignorant than to go hunting for information on your own. We like comfort, we like easy ways to do things or get things done.
It is probably why
Pearl Harbor could have taken place. Roosevelt was warned about the impending attack of the imperial Japanese army, but did nothing. This attitude of course resulted in the fact that the navy was caught by surprise and offered the Japanese airforce to cause military havoc that was unprecedented. 1200 wounded and 2400 dead, because the silence of the president Ted. This provided him argument to participate in WW-II.
It is probably why
JFK could have been assassinated which also paralyzed the entire world. Many people knew before the tragedy took place that Kennedy was going to be executed, including his own brother. They might not all have known the exact place and time of his killing, but they knew that it was going to happen and none of them warned him. JFK's major mistake was having the intention to end the Vietnam war. The arms industry earned over 300 billion USD in that war. This is why he had to be removed. Kennedy also wanted to bring the CIA under regular army control - mistake number 2. And he wanted to re-structure the Federal Reserve Bank - mistake number 3. The basic principle of any society is indeed war... In addition to this
JFK openly and clearly warned the American people about secret societies.
It is probably why
911 could have occured. Secret services all over the world informed the CIA and FBI of the upcoming attacks, but they did nothing. In fact the US army staff organized several
military drills on September 11 2001 in which the eight fighter planes that were designated to defend New York were involved in 22 separate simulated hi-jackings that were taking place all the way into northern Canada. Beside that, as a normal procedure of military drills, there were many false blobs visible on the radar, which even increased the number of possible hi-jackings that were taking place on that day. This is why the planes route to the WTC twin towers was unobstructed. In the entire WTC complex of buildings only the buildings owned by Mr. Silverstein collapsed as a result of the attacks. Buildings located between them, some of which were closer to the towers, remained undamaged. Of course it is a coincident that
Mr. Silverstein ensured his buildings for the grand sum of 7 billion dollars and it was a plain fortunate circumstance that the buildings standing between his real estate were not affected by the explosions and collapsing of the three towers - the twin towers and WTC building number 7 that collapsed after suffering only minor damage.
Mainstream media presented the news of the tragedy in such a way that people all over the world accepted it even if there were many flaws and in ill-logic in the news reports. There was never an air plane found in Pennsylvania or in the Pentagon, never any bodies of the victims in those two attacks. But what the heck, the media never paid too much attention to it, so why bother? Even before the attacks on the Chicago stock exchange the
put/call ratio on American Airline and United Airline stock were unusually high, but none of the stock exchange officials did anything at all. Someone cashed in big time nonetheless. While people owning lots of cash knew about the attacks, the CIA and FBI did nothing. Perhaps they too use mainstream media as their source of information.
It is probably why hurricane
Katrina could have caused so much damage, few of which has been repaired until this day. Mainstream media never reported on
the ability of US and Russian military to wage weather warfare. They were probably too busy reporting on a Janet Jackson preformance or an amazing electronic toiletpaper holder with built in automatic break mechanism. The destruction of New Orleans was a kind of ethnic cleansing, intended to create a city that better suited the goals of the administration. But
somewhere in Alaska there is a huge area based on the inventions of Nikola Tesla that is actually capable of creating earthquakes (like Tesla claimed a century ago already:
"I can split the earth!") that will begin to operate in 2007.
It is probably why the
Indian Ocean Tsunami took place on Christmas 2004 without anyone knowing that it was man-made. The devastation of the disaster is far greater than anyone in the west (or anywhere else for that matter) realized. In the aftermath of the tsunami many children died and are still dying. But where wass the press? Where were there reports? Perhaps things were even worse than most people in western societies realize. The major Indian nuclear plant in the city of Chennai was missed by the tsunami by a hair. The protective walls (against storms coming from the sea...) were damaged and the cooling system that vents into the sea was destroyed. If the plant was hit by the wave, Chernobyl would have looked like a saturday afternoon picnic compared to the much more powerful Indian plant. And yes..., you didn't read a single word about this in the western media.
It will probably be why the great
Palma tsunami will cause numerous casualties in the entire US east coast, because the press remains silent about it. The BBC is the only party of the mainstream media that paid attention to it. None of the major news sources in the east of the US did. Why? Ponder this question intensively; could it perhaps be the intention of the administration to allow this mega wave to reak havoc on the uninformed people? This thought is
too terrible for many to contemplate. But consider this: if only one of the events in this article is true, who is responsible for that? Why would they do it? Why would they not do it again?
Inspite of all this, people will continue to believe the news that is rammed down their throats by organizations that have proven to be the treacherous bringers of false information and blatant lies, the ones who remain silent when they should speak. Before and after the events that decimate their audiences. The events mentioned in this blog were never attended by mainstream press; they dismiss such reports as paranoid conspiracy theory. If you have an hour and a half to spare, you may want to watch
this stream that covers events never presented by mainstream media. Of course. As a bonus somewhere in the movie it explains clearly the exact meaning of conspiracy theory. You might begin to think that the general qualification of 'normal' is in fact nothing but another word for ignorance and 'paranoia' is actually being well-informed. The fact that many / most people are ill-informed is the result of the way mainstream media presents, manipulates and witholds information at will or slavishly following orders from higher powers. You cannot expect a simple brick layer to solve a complex mathematical problem (because he does not need it to do a good job), but if you teach him he might be able to tackle the problem.
For the hardcore searchers there is
yet another source of information that they may find interesting. It is an audiobook (so it's easy on your tendency to limit your effort to increase your knowledge) of the Kolbrin Bible. Also never mentioned by mainstream media. The filthy traitors of the press.
Have a nice day.