Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mother of Darkness

Out of ashen clouds in red skies they came
Soaring below the heavens they tore apart
Not intending to leave anything the same
Like things had always been from the start
Out of fire they came and fire they spread
Fire is their past and present and destiny
Fire behind, above, below and fire ahead
From fires of the void to fires of infinity
And the red hot fire burning deep inside
That will inflame this realm of false light

Assassins and cannibals, evil to the core
Watchers that kill to live and live to kill
Ghouls that already existed long before
Human life was under construction still
Cutthroat junks high on adrenalchrome
The pure and scarce nectar of the gods
In search of which the earth they roam
Unsatisfied until they've had their shots
For they need it to look like you and me
To obscure their alien diapsid indentity

Under a thousand lights rituals take place
That mock mankind's wit and imagination
Deviced to pervert the entire human race
And slaughter every man of every nation
They trap and abduct our precious souls
To burn alongside evil in the eternal fire
Intending to leave a vacuity with holes
When darkness' wicked reign will expire
Causing GOD's creation to be destroyed
After a definite return to the primal void


Evil's plot may be complex and obscure
Beyond mankind's ability to understand
The Light it will never mislead or allure
Evil is preparing its own inevitable end
That it knows it cannot possibly escape
The fear and pain it inflicts on mankind
And other victims of its abuse and rape
Will bounce back and leave evil behind
In the scorching fire from which it came
Leaving nothing but a meaningless name

The drones of the elite are hunting down,
aiming to erase all links containing information
on adrenalchrome, the true nectar of the Gods.
The link in the second verse leads to a website
that used to contain an excellent article on the
drug. I will continue to look for alternatives.
Operations in the Mother of Darkness Castle
have moved elsewhere to a place that for
the time being is still unknown.
A brief explanation of the drug can be
found at (while it lasts):
Author of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Hunter Thompson
says about it: removing the gland kills the donor;
it cannot be taken from a corpse. Guess what the horrid
consequences of this could be... Another interesting read
related to this you will find here (while it lasts):

Thursday, September 21, 2006

No more time to waste time

Increasingly I feel the urge to stop talking to those who are incapable of understanding where this world is heading. There is no time for crap anymore and I am done wasting my breath and time. We have run out of time to waste our time on mindless theories, brain dead blabber and mundane trivia. Continue to be involved with crap and it will be too late. There are almost an infinite number of types of crap; there is the lowlife crap of the streets and the polished highbrow crap of people who prefer to label themselves intellectuals and anything in between the two. Those who understand may have a chance to survive the end times of this world. Those who don’t will become aware of the fact that they have made the wrong choice the instant before they die. I have no intention to be around them when that moment has come.

I will attempt to express what I consider to be crap and why I think it is crap. Religion is crap, science, education, jurisdiction, social and corporate structures are crap. All of those systems are based on constructions and mechanisms that make the systems work. If the parts and infrastructure of any system becomes dis-functional or is destroyed, the entire system will fail. This is what is going to happen not too long from now. Banks are moving around currencies that exist only on paper. Sources of energy is rapidly being drained. Sweet water is becoming scarce. Mankind’s systems of exploiting the food chain are fragile and vulnerable. The systems on which we rely are crap. It will require relatively limited events to make systems fail, to make structures crumble and to take away any cause and aim for mechanisms to be applied.

What else is crap? Do you think global warming is really caused by the output of carbon dioxyde? Do you think WW-III will never happen? Do you think our economies will never become so weak that they will be unable to drag themselves out of a recession? Do you think governments are driven by good intentions from which the people will benefit? Corrolary, are terrorists the individuals and organizations marked as such by our governments? Let me tell you, all of this is crap. Crap to make you use your brainpower to search for solutions of problems that have an entirely different cause and nature than mankind is made to believe. Crap to make you feel fear in order to allow governments to conjure laws that are applied more to their own citizens than to terrorists.

Global warming is caused by the erratic fluxes in the magnetism of the sun and it is merely a forerunner of events soon to come that will have a much greater effect on geophysical and climatic conditions on this planet. A brief and comprehensive overview of these are given in: below the images of the sun placed on that page. All world wars were planned. By Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini, the architects of the New World Order. WW-III has already begun. In affluent western societies many may not be aware of this, but that is caused by the filthy traitors of the press who remain silent because in mainstream media business it is company policy to focus on anything but the truth. Before money was introduced in the modern world, people traded goods. When the Rothschild dynasty introduced banking goods were paid with money. The precious asset that represented the value of money was gold. In 1971 Richard Nixon (Tricky Dicky) introduced the demonitisation of gold. There are now more US dolla bills outside the US than there are inside, while the US trade deficit is rapidly approching the USD 560,000,000,000 line. In the past years gold has been moved out of the bank vaults of US banks; there simply is nothing left of value in the US – all money is paper money, worthless sheets of paper. If foreign countries will bring their dollars to the market and the oil currency will become the Euro, America’s deathknell will destroy its economy. If the US goes, a large number of other countries will fall with it. Who are the real terrorists? Approximately 3000 were killed in the WTC attacks on September 11 2001. The John Hopkins University claimed 100,000 Iraqi civillians were killed by October 2004. And the killings continue up to this day. Does war on terrorism allow to kill a multitude of supposed enemies? 50% of the US citizens believe the terrorists were Iraqi – in reality none of the hi-jackers had the Iraq nationality. Bin Laden was trained and supplied arms by the US when they still used him to drive out the Russian troops from Afghanistan. They even sold him a portable dialysis machine on July 11 2001 in Dubai where he met with a CIA agent according to Le Figaro. Who are the real terrorists? If you use ‘911 WTC conspiracy’ as a search parameter in Google it presents you with 3,300,000 hits. Not all articles among that vast return were compiled by uneducated people. Did you ever wonder why? Because the filthy traitors of the press remained silent and misinformed the people.

This is basically why I decided to discuss matters of the end times of this world and the events leading to that, with people who have the wits and intention to exchange useful information.

Have a nice day.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Traitors of the press

Today things are made simple. Everything in aflluent western societies is structured, regulated. The need to think independently isn't there anymore - all is searchable, explained, presented, available. Beside newspapers, magazines, radio and television, we now have cell phones, navigation systems and pda's to receive information. In fact we suffer from information overload. Information is accessible everywhere, anytime. We know more than we need to know, our memories are so flooded with information that it becomes difficult to retrieve the data proper for a certain place and time to fetch.

There are two main issues in the paragraph above:
  1. We forgot how to process information we obtained by using our own capacity to reason
  2. We are bombarded with so much information that it paralyzes us
The predictable result of this situation is that people become tired of it all; in a deluge of information by far the easiest thing to do, is to just get your information where everyone else gets it from. Since mainstream media are the dominant source of information in today's world, this is where people get it from. The fact that we may miss a thing or two that may be important to us, is taken for granted, because it is less straining to be lazy and ignorant than to go hunting for information on your own. We like comfort, we like easy ways to do things or get things done.

It is probably why Pearl Harbor could have taken place. Roosevelt was warned about the impending attack of the imperial Japanese army, but did nothing. This attitude of course resulted in the fact that the navy was caught by surprise and offered the Japanese airforce to cause military havoc that was unprecedented. 1200 wounded and 2400 dead, because the silence of the president Ted. This provided him argument to participate in WW-II.

It is probably why JFK could have been assassinated which also paralyzed the entire world. Many people knew before the tragedy took place that Kennedy was going to be executed, including his own brother. They might not all have known the exact place and time of his killing, but they knew that it was going to happen and none of them warned him. JFK's major mistake was having the intention to end the Vietnam war. The arms industry earned over 300 billion USD in that war. This is why he had to be removed. Kennedy also wanted to bring the CIA under regular army control - mistake number 2. And he wanted to re-structure the Federal Reserve Bank - mistake number 3. The basic principle of any society is indeed war... In addition to this JFK openly and clearly warned the American people about secret societies.

It is probably why 911 could have occured. Secret services all over the world informed the CIA and FBI of the upcoming attacks, but they did nothing. In fact the US army staff organized several military drills on September 11 2001 in which the eight fighter planes that were designated to defend New York were involved in 22 separate simulated hi-jackings that were taking place all the way into northern Canada. Beside that, as a normal procedure of military drills, there were many false blobs visible on the radar, which even increased the number of possible hi-jackings that were taking place on that day. This is why the planes route to the WTC twin towers was unobstructed. In the entire WTC complex of buildings only the buildings owned by Mr. Silverstein collapsed as a result of the attacks. Buildings located between them, some of which were closer to the towers, remained undamaged. Of course it is a coincident that Mr. Silverstein ensured his buildings for the grand sum of 7 billion dollars and it was a plain fortunate circumstance that the buildings standing between his real estate were not affected by the explosions and collapsing of the three towers - the twin towers and WTC building number 7 that collapsed after suffering only minor damage.

Mainstream media presented the news of the tragedy in such a way that people all over the world accepted it even if there were many flaws and in ill-logic in the news reports. There was never an air plane found in Pennsylvania or in the Pentagon, never any bodies of the victims in those two attacks. But what the heck, the media never paid too much attention to it, so why bother? Even before the attacks on the Chicago stock exchange the put/call ratio on American Airline and United Airline stock were unusually high, but none of the stock exchange officials did anything at all. Someone cashed in big time nonetheless. While people owning lots of cash knew about the attacks, the CIA and FBI did nothing. Perhaps they too use mainstream media as their source of information.

It is probably why hurricane Katrina could have caused so much damage, few of which has been repaired until this day. Mainstream media never reported on the ability of US and Russian military to wage weather warfare. They were probably too busy reporting on a Janet Jackson preformance or an amazing electronic toiletpaper holder with built in automatic break mechanism. The destruction of New Orleans was a kind of ethnic cleansing, intended to create a city that better suited the goals of the administration. But somewhere in Alaska there is a huge area based on the inventions of Nikola Tesla that is actually capable of creating earthquakes (like Tesla claimed a century ago already: "I can split the earth!") that will begin to operate in 2007.

It is probably why the Indian Ocean Tsunami took place on Christmas 2004 without anyone knowing that it was man-made. The devastation of the disaster is far greater than anyone in the west (or anywhere else for that matter) realized. In the aftermath of the tsunami many children died and are still dying. But where wass the press? Where were there reports? Perhaps things were even worse than most people in western societies realize. The major Indian nuclear plant in the city of Chennai was missed by the tsunami by a hair. The protective walls (against storms coming from the sea...) were damaged and the cooling system that vents into the sea was destroyed. If the plant was hit by the wave, Chernobyl would have looked like a saturday afternoon picnic compared to the much more powerful Indian plant. And yes..., you didn't read a single word about this in the western media.

It will probably be why the great Palma tsunami will cause numerous casualties in the entire US east coast, because the press remains silent about it. The BBC is the only party of the mainstream media that paid attention to it. None of the major news sources in the east of the US did. Why? Ponder this question intensively; could it perhaps be the intention of the administration to allow this mega wave to reak havoc on the uninformed people? This thought is too terrible for many to contemplate. But consider this: if only one of the events in this article is true, who is responsible for that? Why would they do it? Why would they not do it again?

Inspite of all this, people will continue to believe the news that is rammed down their throats by organizations that have proven to be the treacherous bringers of false information and blatant lies, the ones who remain silent when they should speak. Before and after the events that decimate their audiences. The events mentioned in this blog were never attended by mainstream press; they dismiss such reports as paranoid conspiracy theory. If you have an hour and a half to spare, you may want to watch this stream that covers events never presented by mainstream media. Of course. As a bonus somewhere in the movie it explains clearly the exact meaning of conspiracy theory. You might begin to think that the general qualification of 'normal' is in fact nothing but another word for ignorance and 'paranoia' is actually being well-informed. The fact that many / most people are ill-informed is the result of the way mainstream media presents, manipulates and witholds information at will or slavishly following orders from higher powers. You cannot expect a simple brick layer to solve a complex mathematical problem (because he does not need it to do a good job), but if you teach him he might be able to tackle the problem.

For the hardcore searchers there is yet another source of information that they may find interesting. It is an audiobook (so it's easy on your tendency to limit your effort to increase your knowledge) of the Kolbrin Bible. Also never mentioned by mainstream media. The filthy traitors of the press.

Have a nice day.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Repetitive revision of views

Continuously I am urged to revise my views on the past, believes and expectations of the future. I am guided by the Light through space and time in seemingly random directions to allow me to find specific information. With each discovery I become more humble, grateful for chronicity in which I am shown the immaculate logic of the universe that lets me gradually build an awareness that I could not have gained in any other way, in any other sequence.

The signs of the time were treacherously deviced to lead life to the sum of all fears, but as it does, fear is removed from my existence. The pattern of creation is slowly becoming clear, as is the pattern in the operations of the destructive forces. For those who do still have fear concerning the future of mankind, perhaps the following consideration is a fact that gives hope:

According to The book of Enoch the fallen angels (or Watchers) asked Enoch to pray to The Most High on their behalf, when they learned of HIS unspeakable wrath over their crimes against mankind and their own kind. They feared the infinite power of The Most High so intensely that they asked a man of flesh and blood
, a creation from dirt and mud (whom they utterly despised for being fragile and mortal) to pray to The Most High, knowing that they were cut off from communication with HIM. They feared HIM and still do until this day, because they know the extent of HIS infinite power and they know they are powerless against it. The answer The Most High gave them through Enoch (the grandfather of Noah) was: "You should pray for mankind and not let mankind pray for you!"

The Watchers' desperate request to Enoch is a clear sign of the power hierachy in the heavens. We may suffer and die at the hands of the evil ones, but we will one time witness the annihilation of the fallen angels who dedicate their existence to evil. Their fate is sealed. They are destined to accept the furthest consequence of their wickedness. There simply is no way for them to vanquish the Light.

Corrolary: Beware of the choices you make in life. If you choose to join or collaborate with the hybrid spawn of the fallen angels, the wagers of war, the shakers and movers of this world's economy, the extremely rich and powerful, your fate will be like theirs.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Infinity is not a property of events and objects in spacetime. Since the dawn of time quantized particles and fragmented measures of energy evolved into objects that interacted with other objects. From embedded programs of increasing complexity through learning to consciousness and awareness, creating quantized equations that formed quantized laws that describe quantized events. Spacetime compelled life to emerge from matter and energy, ostensibly in order to merely end it by continuously re-arranging environments and conditions. Time after time, the settings of space change, but even spacetime itself is finite. Change is the only constant in the universe as we know it, which is an undividable instant that rages through space and time toward the end of spacetime along bizarre pathways inundated with limit and paradox.

In a tiny, distant world close to the outskirts of an anonimous galaxy, the structures and mechanisms of life obey the laws of physics that at some point spawned the laws of mankind from thoughts of justice – primitive thoughts that resulted in primitive laws. Epitomized by an abundance of violence and a great lack of awareness, life in the physical plane drifts swiftly toward suicide in a bloody pinnacle of aggression, unable to reverse or undo processes incited by higher powers that despise the life it twined. The gods of matter play games barely aware of the wrath of powers higher than their perception and imagination allow them to envision. They see their thrones at the top of the pyramid of power, but they kiss the feet of the servants of the powers outside spacetime. Spacetime is their declaration of war to the supreme power, a massive attack on creation beyond the view of the ignorant beings they conjured from matter and energy.

The gods of matter are a treacherous, pillaging, whoring and homicidal lot that in no way resembles the perception of divinity of mankind. They rule the illusion they shaped. But there is no Truth in illusion, no greatness or Love. There are only fear, ignorance and hate, the heart of their empire designed to destruct. Properties of a finite process in every respect.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Ponderings on creation

In space time matter and energy are merely re-arranged, moved from one place to another, from present to future, from futures to places and times beyond that. Matter and energy continuously become part of arrangements that differ from the ones it was part of before. The level of complexity of the arrangement determines the complexity of the functions it is capable of performing. At a certain level arrange­ments become capable of conscious thought and the ability to re-arrange matter and energy autonomously. Higher levels of con­sciousness will allow more complex re-arrangements, will lead to the ability to construct and destruct. Will the advancement of com­plex arrangements lead to the ability to create arrangements from nothing at all? So far even the so called gods of this and pre­vious worlds have used existing matter and energy to ‘create’ life which is an incorrect expression from any logical perspective – it was never more than an act of re-arranging matter and energy.

Was the birth of this universe an act of true creation? Or was it re­bellion of advanced entities who opposed the one who is capable to create matter and energy from nothing, from a dimensionless and timeless void? An attempt to undo creation? From the instant it came to be this universe was comprised of space and time, energy and matter. None of those components can exist without the others. Nothing in the space time continuum is infinite. Infinity cannot exist inside space time. Any object that exists in space time is formed, re-arranged matter and energy, and destined to change until it ceases to exist, leaving no more than separate arrangements of matter and energy that are incapable of performing the functions that the intact arrangement was capable of. Birth implies death, death implies new arrangements that have different functions, to anything there is a discrete beginning and end. This entire universe is comprised of finite arrangements, which leads me to conclude that we are here as the result of a rebellion against creation, not a situation following creation. But in a sense this universe is the result of creation, in spite of the rebellion, because that may have incited it. Questions arising from this observation would be: Was the rebel­lion intended by the one who created this arrangement from a void? And what will come after this arrangement ceases to exist? Will creation continue to exist? Will it be infinite?

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Daily annoyances: 'Art' on forums

On page three of this topic of which the link is placed above this, I posted my reply. Most of the comments are flabbergasting; the amount of ignorance is as painful as it is stupid. It made me decide to not ever post again on this forum - in no way do I wish to see my name related to a forum that promotes neo-nazi sympathies in whatever form they may appear.

The question what moderators should allow or ban becomes actual whenever such a post is submitted. Whatever action they decide upon, reflects the way their minds work (or not). When writing this blog, the topic had drawn over 2300 views and incited 54 comments most of which in some way tried to justify the 'artist's' choice to airbrush a design containing the SS-logo and type on the bike's drive belt spelling: "white boy".

The cynical part of this is that a high ranking nazi, who was escorted out of Germany by the organization that was later to become the CIA, said after WW-II: "The war never ended, it merely canged venues." To that may be added that it changed appearence, but never departed from its intention, nor did it abandon its principles that abhorred the world after some of it was revealed during the post war trials and survivors of the concentration camps started to share their experiences. It not common knowledge what the cause and aim of the establishing of the SS was, because treacherous media continuously refused to tell the truth about this matter. It is no surprise that the same forces that own the press were also involved with the creation of the SS, the organizational structure of which is copied by the CIA. If makes an effort of becoming familiar with the nazi principles and the forces that created it, the gruesome idea settles that it is a structure aimed against all of humanity. The fact that it favors few at this point and pursues many is merely part of its strategy that makes use of this mechanism simply because it requires less of an effort, because mankind will revert to cannibalistic behaviour when fed the proper (which has nothing to do with the liguistic nature of this word) information. The ones in the predator camp are just planned to become prey a little further down the line.

On some airbrush forums apparently the posting of 'art' that has neo-nazi sympathy or reference is considered to part of the freedom of speech of the artist. One would hope moderators would consider what is written above and in the links contained within that, but clearly this is idle hope. The nazi plan that is merely a fragment of a much larger scheme, thrives on such ignorance.

Have a nice day,


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Daily annoyances: Bicycle imbecility

A disturbingly consistent number of the most useless technical solutions that mankind's mind is capable of conjuring, is assembled in a utensil known as bicycle. It is quite obvious that a vehicle that only has two wheels, no engine and a neglectable number of electronic parts, should basically work properly without any trouble from the instant it leaves the production plant onto the day on which it is hit by a bus or burnt in a house that is destroyed by fire.

How tragically distinguished reality is from this assumption that is based on sheer logic. The only conclusion to be drawn from this peculiarity of life is that the actual construction of bicycles is void of any form of logic. I will not go into detail at this point, since the emotional scarring that resulted from changing a rear tire is still too painful to allow elaboration. Changing a wheel on a 25 ton truck is less of a hassle than changing the tire of a bicycle. And the list of unnecessarily annoying bicycle repair jobs is endless. Mind you, several years of my working life I have spent as an aircraft mechanic, which makes me quite qualified to assess the drama of bicycle repair.

Since 1885 repairing bicycles has given mankind headaches and other discomforts. It often has made me wonder what qualifications are required to become a bicycle designer. Does such a person need to have a positive IQ? Is personal experience with driving a bicycle a requirement? Should (s)he have experience of any sort in repairing such a vehicle? Is some knowledge of human anatomy necessary? Is basic engineering skill a condition to be allowed to design a bicycle? Although I'm not a spiteful person, I am inclined to answer all these questions negatively.

But there is also an other side to this: Why in the world do consumers accept the imbecile construction of bicycles? Why do they not protest against the crappy material of which bicycle parts are made? The tire mafia has made huge profits by producing and selling tires that run flat all the time, while not even hesitating to call them 'Puncture Resistant'. Did anyone complain? No Sir, we prefer to just buy ten sets of tires per year and spend ten hours repairing or replacing them, without ever filing a complaint. We accept brakes that do not brake, get our hands dirty and ruin our clothes while remounting chains that continuously run off the cranks, we drive around in the dark at night because the lights or wiring broke, we simply buy new bells that stop ringing after using them three times. All mishaps that we insist on having repaired by the dealer at no cost if it concerns our cars, we obediently accept if they occur on our bicycles.

There is probably as much wrong with us as with the bicycles.

Monday, April 17, 2006

7 years to go

Earth is almost dead. We abused it, tortured it and drained everything we could use from it without ever giving back anything else than waste. That's the point; we take and never give back what we took in a form equally beneficial as it is for our use to its source. We drain earth for resources, give back carbon dioxide and toxic waste. We take uranium and return radiation and nuclear waste. We grow vegetables, grains and fruit using poisonous fertilizers and return menure. We take money from fellow men, his dignity, his life and laugh about his inability to oppose us. We have created systems to take in a structured way without ever being punished for that crime. We do not even know how to compensate. We are the assassins of the planet we live on, the murderers of our own kind and all other life present here. But it is suicidal behaviour. It will not be some kind of revenge of earth when the disasters will break loose that will kill us all, earth has desperately been attempting to postpone its demise that will inevitably end mankind. We never noticed that, we were too busy taking. Too blind to see what we were causing.

Fortunately we're too small, too insignificant to finish earth. We're so occupied with our trivial ocupations that we fail to see earth is part of the universe. A minute, almost neglectable part of it, but integrated into the cosmic structure nevertheless. If mankind is unable to find a way to balance life, to live in harmony with the planet it inhabits, the universe will do it for us. To us a nuclear bomb may be incredibly powerful. We may think scalar technology is the ultimate advancement of mankind's skill, since it dwarfs nuclear power. But on a universal level it's a joke. A bad one, but nothing the great spirits of the universe can't fix. In seven years from now earth will be fixed. Man will be fixed. The dreadful age of Capricorn will come to an end and the age of Aquarius will begin. We can take that for granted. Particularly since we are so good at taking.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hyper circuits

Security measures intended to prevent overload of cerebral circuits are not designed for events occurring in the world of today. Food patterns that are common don't help either, medications are designed to cure one decease while returning dozens instead. And every bit of information is either incomplete or distorted. Bits of information are so abundant that the brain is incapable of dealing with them properly. The result of this is visible in every corner of this world: Sheer and utter madness.

When common people go mad the results can be devastating, but when influential individuals fall to this fate, things usually result in events far worse. It is a matter of scale. Scalar logic.

But scalar logic, Tesla's brainchild, has become the greatest threat to the existence of mankind in the history of man. Particularly when the brain circuits of the ones in control of this world have been poisoned and lured in ways beyond the perception of common people. It will result in uncommon phenomena.

Like the incessant snowfall in Japan and the earthquake that hit Bam, Iran. Like in Katrina. On Norad's radar screens patterns of hurricanes appeared. Of course. Only these showed twelve days before Katrina actually took place. Satellite images of New Orleans from the time the hurricane patterns appeared on the radar screens show clear skies over New Orleans. Still, the radar readings appeared. This too is the result of scalar logic - scalar interference. Also called weather wars.

We've reason to worry. But our brain circuitry is probably overloaded and what we are capable of understanding is most likely disinformation.

Perhaps the only cure for planet earth is the end of humanity.

Have a nice day,
