Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tune your brain!

Brain activity can be measured using an EEG or Electro Encephalo Graph. The device registers the frequency of the brain waves in specific regions of the brain. Certain frequency ranges are related to the state of mind in which the observed individual is in at the time of monitoring. These ranges are shown in the graph below:

Frequency range Name Usually associated with:
> 40 Hz Gamma waves Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, fear, and consciousness
13–40 Hz Beta waves Active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration
7–13 Hz Alpha waves Relaxation (while awake)
4–7 Hz Theta waves Dreams, deep meditation
<> Delta waves Deep dreamless sleep

As is the case with many things, the opposite of measuring is possible - we can actually apply a frequency to our brain to bring it in the desired state. This can be done by stimulating our visual sensors (the eyes) or by generating sound. Visual stimulation can be done with what is called a Dream Machine that is basically a stroboscope. Artist Brion Gysin and scientist Ian Sommerville created the dream machine after reading William Grey Walter's book, 'The Living Brain'. Generating waves in the Alpha frequency range however can cause Photo Sensitive Epilepsy (PSE). Since no one is excluded to being receptive to stroboscopic stimuli, it is much safer to stimulate the brain by using sound.

You will note that the frequencies above are outside of the scope that human ears are capable of detecting. This makes it impossible to use the required frequencies to stimulate the brain. In 1839 Mr. Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered that two sounds that are similar but slightly shifted in frequency will beat to produce two new frequencies which are the average and the difference of the original two sounds. When one generator produces a sound wave with a frequency of 400 Herz and an other produces a 410 Herz sound, the result will be a 405 Herz tone pulsating at 10 time per second, which is similar to the low frequencies occuring inside the human brain.

The brain is capable of producing a similar effect inside itself, provided that the difference between the induced frequencies is smaller than 30 Herz. Furthermore the tones can only produce a beat when they are below 1000 - 1500 Herz. What is actually achieved, is synchronization of the brain hemispheres. The phenomenon described on this page is known as Binaural Beats. The vast majority of people predominantly use their left brain hemisphere, while the right brain hemisphere is barely used. The functions of the left and right hemispheres are explained in the graph below:

Left brain functions Right brain functions
sequential simultaneous
analytical holistic
verbal imagistic
logical intuitive
linear algorithmic processing holistical algorithmic processing
mathematics: perception of counting / measurement mathematics: perception of shapes / motions
present and past present and future
language: grammar / words, pattern perception, literal language: intonation / emphasis, prosody, pragmatic, contextual

The above properties reflect the skills required by today's society and corporate environments. But as systems become more complex and less transparent, an increasing number of people become incapable of grasping the circumstances they live in. Let alone that they are capable of taking proper action to function properly or even survive. Dealing with stress for instance is becoming a problem too big for many to handle. Finding solutions for chemical and radiation related health threats is another. The list is growing each day. The quick fix solutions society - the most notable of which is an incredibly increased use of medication - provide side effects that are often worse than the disorder they were intended to cure.

It is not without reason that many begin to look for solutions that have less negative side effects. What is needed to stimulate the brain into a certain frequency range is a stereo headphone and software to generate the tones. Audacity is a freeware program that is capable of generating tones of a certain frequency or so called white noise for those who find continuous tones annoying. The program can be downloaded here. There is a small tutorial on YouTube that shows how to use Audacity (this is the link) in combination with a plug-in called NYQUIST that you can download here. More information on Binaural Beats you will find here.

Note: If you get an error message saying: 'Nyquist returned too many audio channels', this means you tried to generate stereo surf without having first opened a blank stereo track. In Audacity goto Project, then select New Stereo Track and then goto Generate and select Binaural Tones with surf 2... The error message will no longer pop up.

You may find it convenient to just download the file from this site and play it in Audacity. Get it by clicking here. Rightclick the link and select save target as... Download Them All plug-in is probably the easiest way to obtain it. Make sure the file has an .aup-extension in order to be able to play it in Audacity. in IE, in Firefox downloading it with

The effects of Binaural Beats have not (yet) been accepted in the realm of regular science. But it is most certainly not the first time science was 'late' in acknowledging discoveries. In addition to mentioning this lamentable tradition, my personal belief is that a certain trade is going to see its market share drop dramatically when the benefits of Binaural Beats become known on a larger scale. Its enthousiasm concerning the effects of Binaural Beats would be zero. Unfortunately it is one of the major funders of science, which could explain science' slow response.

Please bear in mind that you have probably not synchronized your brain hemispheres since the time that you were a very young child and that as a result, it may take a certain amount of time for this technique to become effective. Like with all meaningful things, give it time. Enjoy experimenting and spread the word.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Matters of Choice

What man perceives to be creation is in my view actually Second Creation. It is the result of a hostile act against the True Creation or First Creation. This entire universe is a treacherous act of rebellion against the Most High, a vicious attack of the powers of the dark on the realm of Light.

It is inconceivable to me to imagine that an artist of undisputed reputation, who is has unsurpassed skills, while being blessed with an imagination far beyond the scope of anyone around him, entirely aware of what he is doing, would purposely create a work of art that is flooded with flaws and built in a way that does not exclude the of surviving the rage of time.

One such spirit would not be concerned with reputation, because he knows exactly why he is doing it, how to do it and what the effect of his work will be in the end. It is why he is not bothered by the critique of those who oppose him, since he is aware of the fact that they are incapable of fully understanding the intention, nature and extent of his art.

Still, many believe that ‘God’ created this universe with all its inadequacies and inequity. They think man is often tested, which is in my perception an assumption void of logic, because great artists do their testing before they start working on their final art. In my view such limited perception is an insult to the awareness and skill of the artist.

Like the Sumerian prophet Mani (300 BC) I believe that the Big Bang (which bears striking resemblance to attacks taking place today) was a terrorist attack on the First Creation of the realm of Light by the powers of the dark. It sounded the dawn of time and space, the forming of energy and matter that are the building blocks of the prison intended to trap our souls. In First Creation there were no separate souls, the attack scattered and fragmented them into separate, weakened entities that have conflicting interests. The harmony, wisdom and power of the Whole, the oneness of all souls that existed in First Creation, has been replaced by an array of dimensions in which polarity, paradox and conflict are inevitable. It is the perfect setting to corrupt souls and force them to turn away from The Light.

It was a brilliant move by the dark (note the contradictio in terminis – an other paradox) to attribute Second Creation for which it was responsible to The Light. By doing so it allowed itself to conjure evil outside of the view and scope of life without ever having to worry about taking the blame for it – the power that created this universe is after all responsible for all that occurs in it. Today man thinks he is being tested as a prelude to being rewarded. It is a promise that the dark never intends to fulfil. The churches that are spawned by ancient satanic cults, confirm this idea. The followers of the churches have no clue whatsoever about what goes on in the highest echelons of the religious orders. Like the original lie of the dark that suggests that The Light is responsible for the creation of this universe, what the high rulers of the churches do behind the scenes is equally treacherous and destructive.

It is no surprise that the church of Mani – Manichaeism – was hounded and exterminated by the emperors and church of Rome. Religions that later shared Mani’s views faced a similar fate. The Bogomils and Cathars were literally butchered from the face of the earth. An estimated half a million of the followers of the latter religion were slaughtered in the Languedoc in France on order of pope Innocent III (of all names!) in the eighteenth century. Voltaire commented on the massacre in an article that you will find here:

The universal lie takes many shapes. It is a shape shifter that exists in all dimensions. Most of the entities inside them are so conditioned by it that they are incapable of determining its true nature. An example: The five crusades were organized by the church (1x) and by European kings (4x). The official reason of the first and most important crusade was to liberate Jerusalem from the Seljuq Turkish control, so that the holy places in the city could be protected and pilgrimage to them allowed. The Seljuq rulers had taken control over Jerusalem in 1070, and they soon appeared as bad protector of Christian interests in the area. Holy places were des neglected, some churches were turned into non-religious buildings or mosques, and many pilgrims were not allowed into town, while others were stolen from, scorned at and sometimes even killed. The real reason was to find artefacts that were considered to be sacred, like the spear of destiny (with which the Roman soldier pierced Jesus’ side when he was nailed to the cross), the ark of the covenant and (stone and clay), the Holy Grail and tablets that contained ancient historic information that was invaluable to the cults disguised as churches. The skull and bones, allegedly belonging to of John the baptist were also excavated and later became the symbol of the founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignacio de Loyola and after that of a secret society to which the current president of the USA belongs. The Knights Templar is an order that was established to participate in the crusades to make certain the true intentions would be carried out successfully. Today they still exist as high a powerful organization associated to the church. The Knights Templar created the banking system, which is the foundation of the power of the church. Through the Vatican Bank, the Federal Reserve Bank and the IMF, Rome is in control of by far the most funds in the world that incorporates the capital of the 13 families of the Merovingian blood line: Mellon's, Carnegies, Rothschild's, Rockefellers, Dukes, Astor's, Dorrance's, Reynoldses, Stiliman's, Bakers, Pyne's, Cuilman's, Watson's, Tukes, Kleinwort's, DuPont's, Warburg's, Phippses, Graces, Guggenheims, Milner's, Drexel's, Winthrop's, Vanderbilt's, Whitney's, Harkenesses. Money is power, they are in possession of it and they factually control the world. It means the church is not an organization that takes care of your spiritual well being – it is an organization that moves the money in this world. Money with which wars are paid, with which corporations allowed to mislead (mainstream media) and exploit the people and with which preparations are financed to establish the New World Order. The NWO is the perfected setting to corrupt the souls of mankind.

According to Frank Drake’s equation, between a few thousands and one million planets in this universe could contain intelligent life. Although many arguments speak against it, earth is one of them. Even if Drake is mistaken by dozens or hundreds of times, intelligent life is merely a fraction of what exists in this universe that has trillions of galaxies. Yet being seemingly insignificant in numbers, this type of life apparently is of interest to the dark powers. Souls that are the vehicles of awareness probably are the reason for this. Inside us the battles between good and evil take place – we are the battleground. Each decision we make, contributes to the outcome of the war. Since choosing seems to be an utterly small array of events on a universal scale, unintelligent life may be tempted to believe that it does not matter what choices we make. But in the Book of Enoch (that the church has attempted to wipe from the face of the earth – unsuccessfully) the hierarchical power structures in the universe are revealed. The dark fears The Light. And The Light wanted us to know through Enoch’s writings that the choices we make do matter and that every choice will have a consequence.

Life is not a test. Souls must find ways to survive it by choosing carefully and intelligently, by listening to the whisper of intuition (which is the voice of The Light), bearing in mind that this universe is temporary, like everything else in a realm of space and time.