This question in the title is the solid brick wall into which many minds have crashed without ever finding an answer that can even remotely claim to have a rational base. Behind the wall, carefully hidden from life trapped in the space and time, encompassed by the formidable obstacle that is more elevated than the highest level of thought and stronger than the ability to break down barriers of paradox of piercing minds, is the Truth that includes the answer to the question.
Many centuries ago the power of a single thought caused the wall to crumble like dry sand, but relentless efforts have been made by obscure forces to erase the immaculate image of the Truth from the memory and awareness of mankind. The greatest abomination of human wit was reconstructing the wall in order to separate life from the Truth, thus plunging it in the raging seas of illusion.
The wall is inside your mind. You are less than the width of a hair away from the Truth, but you never knew you were that close to the Truth, because your mind was poisoned and mercilessly conditioned already from before you entered this world when you still lived in your mother’s womb. The venom of the dark forces has been fed to you ever since, day in, day out, night after night. The thin hair became a thick, impenetrable wall in your awareness.
Yet all you have to do in order to be able to see through the maze of lies induced into your perception, is to recollect the ancient thought, process it and add it to your awareness. It will give you the answer to the question at the start of this document. The shift of discernment will open the realm behind the wall, that will never be able to stop you again once you have walked right through it.
The spirit who introduced the thought to the world assumed the name Mani, which is rather a term of respect and a title than a personal name. His true name remains a subject of discussion. Mani is probably a derivation of the Babylonian-Aramaic Mânâ, that means light-spirit, mânâ rabba being the "Light King". Mani was born in 215 or 216 AD in Mardinu, Babylonia. His mother was of noble descent and was called Mes, Utâchîm, Marmarjam, and Karossa. Mani’s father, Fâtâk Bâbâk (Ratekios, or the "well preserved"), was a man of strong religious propensities, since he left Ecbatana to join the South Babylonian Puritans (Menakkede) or Mandaeans and educated his son in their tenets. Mani's father’s train of thought preceded and shaped that of his more famous son, in the first years of whose public life he had some share.
Mani’s religious dualism is considered to be the perfect synthesis of Zoroastrian Dualism, Babylonian folklore, Buddhist ethics, and superficial additions of Christian elements dualism (good vs evil). In essence he believed that the entire universe was the temporary result of the attack of the dark forces on the realm of Light. The big bang from which the universe is assumed to have emerged, does indeed resemble a modern day terrorist attack, multiplied in force an infinite number of times. It served to rip souls away from the Whole (the Original or First Creation), separate them - thus making them weak and vulnerable to corruption so that they would forget their origins and turn against The Light. This can only be done when souls are fragmented and trapped in separate bodies of matter and energy and detached from the oneness that gave them access to common awareness.
In this plane of matter where mankind exists, pain and fear are the major tools of the dark forces to gain control over the fragmented souls. The universe consists of separate realms where a different number of dimensions for each world determines the scope of awareness of the life it harbours. Since the era of the twenties of the previous century scientists have agreed upon the fact that there must be many more dimensions than the three proportions the human mind is capable of distinguishing and experiencing and linear time moving in one direction only (to one future out of many) is merely an incomplete reflection of the properties of time. In such an environment of strict limitation it becomes quite simple to induce ideas in the mind of humans that make sure that they remain clueless to the Truth. To make sure awareness stays on one side of the wall.
Mani’s faith, that was a prophesy resulting from a vision initially spread rapidly from the West (Africa, Spain, France, North Italy, the Balkans) for a thousand years, but it flourished mainly in the land of its birth, (Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Turkestan) and even further East in Northern India, Western China, and Tibet, where, 1000 A.D., the bulk of the population professed its tolerant tenets after which it died out at an uncertain date. It is quite certain that the Roman Catholic church played a major part in the eradication of the followers of Mani’s followers. The brutal massacre of the Catholic church of an estimated one million Cathars in the Languedoc, France (described and disapproved by Voltaire) on order of pope Innocent III (his name is quite a cynical 'coincidence' of course), is just one example out of many of the inquisitions and crusades the church organized against the heirs of Mani’s beliefs. Beside the Cathars, the Bogomils also adopted some of Mani’s views; it invoked the wrath of the Roman Catholic Church that was invariably followed by the sending of its death squads, among whom were the Knights Templar, a religious-military order that also played a major part in the crusades.
When investigating the emergence of the Roman Catholic Church, several striking peculiarities come to mind. The same man, emperor Constantine, who decreed that Christianity was the best choice to be the official religion of the Roman empire, shortly before had Christians thrown for the lions in the Colosseum for the amusement of the people. Before he was ‘converted’ to Christianity Constantine was a member of the Sol Invictus Cult (cult of the invincible sun), a secret, occult brotherhood that bore little resemblance with the beliefs of the Christian faith. Sol Invictus was inscribed in Roman coins of that time, even after Christianity had been declared Rome’s religion of state. The bible that he ordered to be compiled in the Nicean Councils, was created in a process entirely under his control. After some bishops failed to comply with his directions, Constantine simply ordered them to be exiled and excommunicated and replaced them with more obedient clerics who shaped the bible according to his orders. The sources that were included in the bible were rewritten, those Constantine did not find appropriate to be included, were burnt.
All these events were intended to mould or condition the human mind in order to be able to maintain control over the masses. By corrupting the perception of the followers of the church ten centuries after Mani died, his views became reality: this universe is merely an environment to lead souls away from their Source and Destiny, which is The Light. Those who did not follow the church laws were persecuted and murdered.
Two centuries later in Spain a man of crypto-Jewish descent, Ignacio de Loyola, founded the Jesuit order, also called the Army of Jesus, that is to this very day the most powerful fraction in the Roman Catholic church. The Jesuits put up many fronts to make the people believe they are a compassionate religious order that act from the essence of Christian belief, while outside of the public’s eye they operated as a concealed military order that infiltrated in governments and monetary institutions. At several points in time the Jesuits were thrown out of most of the major European countries because of their subversive conduct. But the kings and rulers who were not of royal descent who cast them out, were either killed or blackmailed into collaborating with the Jesuit order.
Roughly two centuries after the Jesuit order was established, in Germany a former Jesuit priest (who had voluntarily left the order in order to create yet an other front), Adam Weishaupt who was a professor in Canon Law at the university of Inglostadt, founded the Illuminati. It is a secret society that continued the work of the Jesuit order, releasing the order of the connection with societies that are involved with worldly affairs. Besides infiltrating and blackmailing government officials and corporate rulers, the society recruited the incredibly wealthy Rothschild family into its ranks. The Rothschild’s virtually unlimited funds allowed the Vatican Bank to control global currency flows through its maze of financial organizational constructions that include the IMF, the World Bank and Federal Reserve Bank.
The power hierarchy of the Jesuit order reflects the same pyramidal structure as the one that is applied in the society of the Illuminati. Hitler’s Waffen SS had a similar hierarchy and the structure of the American CIA was a copy of that, built by former SS-chief Reinhard Gehlen, who was ‘captured’ by the US army at the end of the war, along with the likes of Werner von Braun, designer of the V1 and V2 rockets that the Germans launched at London towards the end of the second world war. NATO and the UN were also spawned by the Illuminati and its associates, and in many respects resemble the original hierarchical power structure of the Jesuit order.
Basically, nothing is what it seems to be in this world. It complies exactly with the credo of the founder of the Jesuit order Ignacio de Loyola who said: ‘Black is white and white is black.’ The tools of the dark forces are present and active in every segment of this world, exercising their power inside and outside the limits of the laws they created themselves. It is the attack of the dark forces on the realm of The Light continued.
The ruler in charge of the dark’s operation earth is satan. This implies that satan is merely a soldier in the army of the dark, bearing in mind that earth is less than a spot in the vast universe. The powers that created this universe (that is the Second Creation), are far greater and more powerful than satan. By trapping souls in matter and energy, they can be separated (and thus made weak), incited to turn against each other and against The Light from whose Original Creation they were abducted. The masterful move of the dark powers was to attribute the creation of this universe to the real GOD, so that every entity that was capable of rational thought would not be able to figure out why GOD would allow evil to take place.
GOD does not allow such. Currently HE is involved in a universal battle with the forces of the dark. The very steak of this full blown war is the soul of man – part of GOD’s Original Creation shattered over this planet. But as becomes clear by the words Enoch wrote in his book (that the Roman Catholic church unsuccessfully attempted to wipe from the face of the earth), the dark fears the infinite power of The Light. Enoch made quite clear that satan’s fate is fixed; he will suffer the consequence of his doomed choice, as will the higher dark forces above him. Each soul that is aware of what is going on in this universe and is aware of what is behind the wall of lies built by the dark forces, has the option to choose. Mani and Enoch attempted to explain to all souls in this prison of the universe that the rule of the dark is temporary, transient in the perception of time of GOD. Deciding to join the dark may give temporary comfort, privilege and profit. But it will be a gift that is destined to end, after which each soul must accept the consequence of its choice.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Perceptions on terrorism
Perceptions on terrorism
Wars, that were started or provoked by the governments of this world (by means of their secret services), have cost an estimated 250 million -300 million deaths in the previous century. It is the equivalent of the entire current population of the United States of America.
terror - terror = protest
In one year (2001), the world elites indulged in `conspicuous consumption' - partying and entertaining at taxpayers expense - and caused the death by starvation of 8,760,000 people around the world
[a fact unreported by CNN or BBC: the media entirely ruled and owned by the rich]
We say -
"If a child starves anywhere, no man deserves power or wealth anywhere!"
MI5's "M" - 05 September 2002
"A war on terrorism cannot be won, unless the causes of terrorism are eradicated - by making the world a place free of grievances"
- Dame Stella Rimington
Head of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
"To fight terrorism you have to fight the root causes of injustice - poverty, disease, joblessness. Nobody can live without hope"
- Dr Thoraya Obaid
President of the United States of America
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"
- John F. Kennedy
"When the rich do it, it is called war, ... when the victims use the same methods we call it "terrorism"
- Robin Morgan - 'Demon Lover: On the Sexuality of Terrorism'
The leader of Catholics in England and Wales
"They fail when they do not take seriously the obligation to ensure that wealth is not created for the few and at the expense of the many"
"the biggest challenge confronting the world is not terrorism but poverty"
- Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor - 'Report to UK Treasury'
"Terrorism is the desperate action of vengeance by the oppressed against the oppressor when the world has closed all the doors of justice and fairplay"
- Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, Zanzibar University, Tanzania
We know that Injustice is the cause of Terrorism
So what do our rulers do?
Increase the injustice!
Our 'rulers' are clearly not interested in justice or human rights.
They're obsessed by greed, the pervert abuse of privilege and power.
"terrorism" - is mostly faked or secretly set-up by governments, to justify repression / loss of civil rights - see UK (inc. N. Ireland); Italy, Russia & USA; India & Pakistan, China; see earlier terrorism of English & USA politicians
"terrorist" - how the rich (and their treacherous media) describe any self-defense by the poor
If all this does not make you at least wonder where the real terrorists are, then nothing else will.
Have a nice life.
Wars, that were started or provoked by the governments of this world (by means of their secret services), have cost an estimated 250 million -300 million deaths in the previous century. It is the equivalent of the entire current population of the United States of America.
terror - terror = protest
In one year (2001), the world elites indulged in `conspicuous consumption' - partying and entertaining at taxpayers expense - and caused the death by starvation of 8,760,000 people around the world
[a fact unreported by CNN or BBC: the media entirely ruled and owned by the rich]
We say -
"If a child starves anywhere, no man deserves power or wealth anywhere!"
MI5's "M" - 05 September 2002
"A war on terrorism cannot be won, unless the causes of terrorism are eradicated - by making the world a place free of grievances"
- Dame Stella Rimington
Head of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
"To fight terrorism you have to fight the root causes of injustice - poverty, disease, joblessness. Nobody can live without hope"
- Dr Thoraya Obaid
President of the United States of America
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"
- John F. Kennedy
"When the rich do it, it is called war, ... when the victims use the same methods we call it "terrorism"
- Robin Morgan - 'Demon Lover: On the Sexuality of Terrorism'
The leader of Catholics in England and Wales
"They fail when they do not take seriously the obligation to ensure that wealth is not created for the few and at the expense of the many"
"the biggest challenge confronting the world is not terrorism but poverty"
- Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor - 'Report to UK Treasury'
"Terrorism is the desperate action of vengeance by the oppressed against the oppressor when the world has closed all the doors of justice and fairplay"
- Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, Zanzibar University, Tanzania
We know that Injustice is the cause of Terrorism
So what do our rulers do?
Increase the injustice!
Our 'rulers' are clearly not interested in justice or human rights.
They're obsessed by greed, the pervert abuse of privilege and power.
"terrorism" - is mostly faked or secretly set-up by governments, to justify repression / loss of civil rights - see UK (inc. N. Ireland); Italy, Russia & USA; India & Pakistan, China; see earlier terrorism of English & USA politicians
"terrorist" - how the rich (and their treacherous media) describe any self-defense by the poor
If all this does not make you at least wonder where the real terrorists are, then nothing else will.
Have a nice life.
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