Sunday, June 28, 2009

Time to start anew

We have been conditioned to respond to thoughts that occur in our minds and events that take place in our environment according to specific patterns. Society and global organizations continuously induce such types of awareness. It dismisses us from having to think for ourselves and creates some a general misguided consensus that makes this world ‘manageable’. We have also been conditioned into agreeing with the faked necessity of such a construction. But if we objectively observe and consider what this conditioning brings about, we might end up vigorously disagreeing with the way this world is run and the consequences resulting from it.

Crime, violence, war, deceit and injustice are just a few of the horrors we have become accustomed to, while they are not acceptable. Most of the solutions presented by administrations and organizations often increase the asperity of circumstances, rather than resolving them. But we have been conditioned into believing there are no other options to do away with such situations. In fact, due to the intensity and persistence of the mind control inflicted on us, we are no longer capable of imagining anything outside the narrow scope of perception that has intentionally been established in our thoughts. Instead, we prefer to ridicule, oppose and combat any suggestion that does not fit in the limited reach of our disciplined minds, while not even bothering if we are actually making sense in doing so.

It will probably require an extremely acute event to make us un-condition our minds if we are not prepared to do so ourselves voluntarily.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Admission of evil

When reading the Enuma Elish one may arrive at conclusions that collide with biblical representations of events at the root of modern history.

The Enuma Elish is verifiable in the sense tablets exist and translations can be checked. The books of which the bible was composed were a selection determined by Roman emperor Constantine. Books that were intentionally left out, were burnt on the ruler’s order. The texts incorporated in the bible were sternly edited by the Nicean councils appointed by Constantine.

The Enuma Elish is subject to various interpretations, since the clay tablets on which it was written are partly damaged. However it dates from the time in which the gods were present on earth, contrary to the scripts that were the foundation for the bible.

It leaves us with a choice to believe what is written in either of the books, one of which is severely promoted, while the other is structurally depressed.

Could it be that our perception, that was intentionally induced into our minds, caused the world to become what it is? If so, should we not vigorously try to find the truth about the truth?

Monday, May 04, 2009


Lately my awareness concerning the fact that we are truly capable of communicating with other dimensions through our emotions has increased. Up to a point where signs shown to me have become beyond arbitrary interpretation. This is an old poem, written a year or two ago or so. I realize well, that the cosmic electro magnetical fields increase in magnitude rapidly and that all our perceptions change at a velocity relative to the increase. It leads me to the conclusion that the aware, however small their numbers may be in this nescient world actually posses the power to incite changes for the better just by using their emotions (not thoughts) in a particular way. I even tend to believe today that certain gods and demons have worked on mankind’s mind to come to existence in this dimension, but that we have the power to uncreate them as well.

When using the power of our emotion in Present Time to the limit that we are capable of, we can create what we wish for. The Presence is the indivisible instant of timelessness that is caught between past and future of the illusion of linear time in this three dimensional domain. Asking for something is confirming that we do not have it or that the desired situation does not exist. Feeling the joy of that situation already in existence is confirming that it exists. Thereby we create whatever this illusion attempts to deny. Our emotions matter, most of our thoughts belong to this illusion. Through feeling emotions we communicate with other realms that have the power to undo this illusion.

We have deliberately been taught the wrong way to pray or wish for, in order to become counter productive. Becoming aware of the correct way to create, we can change this world. Wishing for things or situations in the traditional way, only takes it out of existence, without us even knowing that we are in fact doing that.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sunday, March 01, 2009

The barbarian lair

I at times wonder what an ET might think when observing events taking place on earth. I guess there is not a lot to be seen that would cause it to be amused.